magistrsko delo
Grega Lajkovič (Author), Tatjana Isaković (Mentor), Janko Logar (Thesis defence commission member), Andrej Anžlin (Co-mentor)


V nalogi smo primerjali dva postopka za oceno rotacijske kapacitete armiranobetonskih stebrov, ki sta vključena v standarda Evrokod 8-2 in Evrokod 8-3. Rezultate analiz smo ovrednotili z eksperimentalnimi rezultati. V ta namen smo ustvarili bazo podatkov za različne stebre, ki so bili preizkušeni s cikličnimi testi. Še posebej so nas zanimali stebri s pomanjkljivimi konstrukcijskimi detajli. Rotacijsko kapaciteto smo določili na osnovi analize ukrivljenosti najbolj obremenjenih prerezov stebrov. Ukrivljenost smo primerno integrirali vzdolž stebra. Pri tem smo upoštevali, da se velike vrednosti ukrivljenosti pojavijo predvsem v območju plastičnega členka. Dolžino plastičnega členka obravnavani metodi določita različno. Razlika je lahko tudi več kot dvakratna. Navkljub temu so razlike v ocenjenih vrednostih rotacijske kapacitete bistveno manjše, saj je bila v večini primerov ocenjena vrednost maksimalne ukrivljenosti večja v primeru postopka Evrokod 8-2, pri katerem je bila dolžina plastičnega členka manjša. Ujemanje analitičnih rezultatov z eksperimenti je boljše v primeru kvadratnih stebrov, vendar so lahko tudi v takšnih stebrih analitične napovedi rotacijske kapacitete bistveno večje od dejanske, še zlasti v primerih stebrov z zelo pomanjkljivimi konstrukcijskimi detajli. Oba analizirana postopka sta večinoma primerna za analizo stebrov, ki so narejeni v skladu z zahtevami sodobnih standardov za projektiranje konstrukcij na potresnih področjih. Vendar bi bilo postopek Evrokod 8-2 treba nekoliko korigirati, saj je ocena maksimalne tlačne deformacije v betonu pogosto prevelika. Za oceno rotacijske kapacitete stebrov z zelo pomanjkljivimi konstrukcijskimi detajli bi bilo za analizo bolje izbrati kakšen drug postopek, ki ga dovoljuje standard Evrokod 8-3.


gradbeništvo;magistrska dela;potresno inženirstvo;ciklični odziv;moment ukrivljenost;OpenSees;objeti beton;Evrokod 8;


Language: Slovenian
Year of publishing:
Typology: 2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization: UL FGG - Faculty of Civil and Geodetic Engineering
Publisher: [G. Lajkovič]
UDC: 006.76:624.012.45(043)
COBISS: 8090465 Link will open in a new window
Views: 1203
Downloads: 502
Average score: 0 (0 votes)

Other data

Secondary language: English
Secondary title: Cyclic response of reinforced concrete columns with deficient structural details
Secondary abstract: In the Master thesis, we considered two methods that are included in Eurocode 8-2 and Eurocode 8-3 standards, to estimate the rotational capacity of reinforced concrete columns. The numerical results were evaluated with experimental results. For this purpose, the experimental database was composed from various columns that were exposed to cyclic load tests. Columns with deficient structural details were of special interest. Rotation capacity was determined on the basis of the full moment-curvature analysis. Obtained curvature was integrated along the length of the column. The fact that maximum curvatures are expected in the area of the plastic hinge, was also considered. The estimation of the plastic hinge length is up to two times different with respect to the type of considered method. However, the difference of the estimated rotation capacity of the column is smaller in most cases due to larger estimates of the maximum curvature using Eurocode 8-2 method, where the length of the plastic hinge is smaller. Numerical results of the square columns are a better match to the experimental results than the rectangular columns, however those estimates can be significantly larger than the actual rotation capacity, especially when considering columns with deficient structural details. Both considered methods are appropriate for the analysis of the columns that are constructed in accordance with the modern standards for the design of structures in the seismic areas. Due to frequent overestimates of maximum concrete compression strain, Eurocode 8-2 method should be modified somehow. To assess the rotation capacity of the columns with significantly deficient structural details, alternative procedure defined in the Eurocode 8-3 should be taken into account.
Secondary keywords: civil engineering;master thesis;earthquake engineering;cyclic response;moment curvature analysis;OpenSees;confined concrete;Eurocode 8;
Type (COBISS): Master's thesis/paper
Study programme: 0
Embargo end date (OpenAIRE): 1970-01-01
Thesis comment: Univ. v Ljubljani, Fak. za gradbeništvo in geodezijo
Pages: X, 70 str., [50] str. pril.
ID: 10844059