diplomska naloga
Matjaž Novak (Author), Alma Zavodnik Lamovšek (Mentor), Miran Kuhar (Thesis defence commission member), Gašper Mrak (Co-mentor)


Diplomska naloga Kolesarske poti in prostorski razvoj na Ptuju govori o kolesarjenju kot alternativi osebnemu avtomobilu za dnevne vožnje na delo, v šolo ali po opravkih. Predstavljene so prednosti in slabosti kolesarjenja ter primerjava med kolesom in osebnim avtomobilom, predvsem na kratkih razdaljah, kjer lahko kolo več kot uspešno nadomesti uporabo osebnega avtomobila. V diplomski nalogi je prav tako podrobno predstavljena kolesarska infrastruktura ter pravilno načrtovanje gradnje kolesarske infrastrukture, ki je nujno potrebna za kolesarski promet ter varnost kolesarjev, ki so pri morebitnih nesrečah veliko bolj izpostavljeni kot vozniki osebnih avtomobilov. V diplomski nalogi je kot primer predstavljen kolesarski promet ter kolesarska infrastruktura v mestu Ptuj, za katerega je značilna slaba razvitost kolesarstva. Na podlagi analize obstoječe kolesarske infrastrukture na Ptuju je predlagana ureditev kolesarske infrastrukture, ki bo za uporabnike predstavljala atraktivno, direktno, varno in udobno kolesarsko mrežo. Ptuj pa je zaradi veliko turističnih zanimivosti zelo privlačen tudi za turiste - kolesarje, ki jih bodo na novo urejene kolesarske povezave zagotovo pritegnile v še večjem številu.


geodezija;diplomska naloga;VSŠ;TUN;kolesarski promet;kolesarska infrastruktura;promet;turizem;mesto;Ptuj;


Language: Slovenian
Year of publishing:
Typology: 2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization: UL FGG - Faculty of Civil and Geodetic Engineering
Publisher: [M. Novak]
UDC: 338.48-6:796.61(497.4Ptuj)(043.2)
COBISS: 8097633 Link will open in a new window
Views: 1146
Downloads: 716
Average score: 0 (0 votes)

Other data

Secondary language: English
Secondary title: Bicycle paths and spatial development in Ptuj
Secondary abstract: The thesis Bicycle Paths and Spatial Development in Ptuj speaks of cycling as an alternative for daily car drives to work, school, etc. The thesis presents the advantages and disadvantages of cycling and compares bicycle to car, mainly for short distance traveling, where bicycle can effectively replace car usage. There is also a detailed presentation of cycling infrastructure and the correct planning of cycling infrastructure. Cycling infrastructure is crucial for cycling traffic and the safety of the cyclists, which are much more vulnerable in the accidents than the car drivers. The thesis shows bicycle traffic and cycling infrastructure as an example for the city Ptuj, which is known for bad cycling developing progress. Based on an analysis of the existing cycling infrastructure in Ptuj, a better cycling infrastructure is suggested, which will be connected as a cycling network, be attractive, direct, safe and comfortable for cyclists. Ptuj is a city best enjoyed by cycling tourists as bicycles allow for better and speedier access to its many tourist attractions. With a new and proper cycling network, even more tourist - cyclist will visit Ptuj.
Secondary keywords: geodesy;graduation thesis;cycling;cycling infrastructure;transport;tourism;city;Ptuj;
Type (COBISS): Bachelor thesis/paper
Study programme: 0
Embargo end date (OpenAIRE): 1970-01-01
Thesis comment: Univ. v Ljubljani, Fak. za gradbeništvo in geodezijo
Pages: VIII, 31 str., 2 pril.
ID: 10844258