magistrsko delo
Eva Harmel (Author), Darja Matjašec (Mentor)


Cerkniško jezero je del Notranjskega regijskega parka, širšega zavarovanega območja. Varstvo narave in naravnih virov v teh območjih je mogoče zagotavljati le s celostno obravnavo in z usklajevanjem varstvenih in razvojnih interesov v okviru prostorskega načrtovanja. V magistrskem delu so na podlagi pregleda varstvenih režimov in prostorskih analiz podani predlog krajinske ureditve, izhodišča za opredelitev prioritetnih območij razvoja in varstva ter smernice zanje. Magistrsko delo izpostavlja potrebo po ureditvi infrastrukture za obiskovalce, ki hkrati omogoča ohranjanje narave. Območje Cerkniškega jezera zaradi neurejenosti infrastrukture predstavlja tako neizkoriščen potencial, kot tudi problem zaradi nenadzorovanega obiska. Predlog temelji na urejanju že obstoječe infrastrukture z namenom razvoja naravoslovnega turizma in pasivne rekreacije. Poudarjena sta zadržan pristop k umeščanju fizičnih elementov v prostor in podrejanje naravnim procesom. Krajinska in biotska pestrost ter spremenljivost pomenita visok potencial za doživljanje narave na obravnavanem območju . V magistrskem delu je interpretacija predstavljena kot orodje za upravljanje zavarovanega območja. Na podlagi tega je oblikovana idejna zasnova interpretativne poti. Z označevanjem točk, na katerih je prepoznan visok potencial za doživljanje in izobraževanje, obiskovalce vodi po prostoru. Na ta način pot predstavi območje in usmerja obisk.


krajinska ureditev;prostorsko načrtovanje;zavarovano območje;varstvo narave;doživljanje narave;interpretacija krajine;Cerkniško jezero;


Language: Slovenian
Year of publishing:
Typology: 2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization: UL BF - Biotechnical Faculty
Publisher: [E. Harmel]
UDC: 711.1:712.23(497.4 Cerknica)(043.2)
COBISS: 8759929 Link will open in a new window
Views: 1292
Downloads: 825
Average score: 0 (0 votes)

Other data

Secondary language: English
Secondary title: Landscape plan of lake Cerknica area
Secondary abstract: The Cerknica lake is a part of a wide protected area, the Notranjska regional park. For such an area, spatial planning with the coordination of conservation and developmental interests is vital. The lack of a comprehensive handling of the area through partial spatial interventions leads to a degradation of nature. The thesis offers a proposal of a landscape design on the basis of a research of conservation regimes and spatial analyses. It provides a starting point for defining priority areas of development and conservation and offers guidelines. The theoretical part offers a proposition for the development planning of the Cerknica lake area, designed according to the identifiable spatial limitations and potentials. With poor infrastructure the area represents unexploited potential, as well as a problem due to uncontrolled visitation. The development is based on the design of the existing infrastructure with the intention of developing nature tourism and passive recreation. The emphasis is put on a reserved approach towards the installment of physical elements into the area and submitting to natural processes. The high potential for the nature experience in the area is recognized in its landscape and biotic diversity and variability. The thesis presents the interpretation as a tool for the management of the protected area, on the basis of which the outline planning scheme of the interpretative path is formed. The visitors are guided through the area by marked points where the potential for nature experience and education has been recognized. This way the path provides a presentation of the area and a guided visit.
Secondary keywords: landscape plan;landscape planning;protected area;environmental protection;nature based tourism;landscape interpretation;lake Cerknica;
Type (COBISS): Master's thesis/paper
Study programme: 0
Embargo end date (OpenAIRE): 1970-01-01
Thesis comment: Univ. v Ljubljani, Biotehniška fak., Oddelek za krajinsko arhitekturo
Pages: XI, 90 f., [8] f. pril.
ID: 10844260