magistrsko delo
Alenka Pirc (Author), Maruška Šubic Kovač (Mentor), Janko Logar (Thesis defence commission member), Primož Može (Thesis defence commission member), Mitja Lakner (Co-mentor)


Namen magistrskega dela je bilo analizirati vpliv lokacije na vrednost stanovanj v Mestni občini Ljubljana. Z izvedeno analizo smo želeli pripraviti objektiven vrednostni okvir, ki bi uporabniku omogočal primerjavo dveh lokacij na račun cenovnega ranga in mikrolokacijskih faktorjev, ki smo jih analizirali. Izbrali smo 17 sosesk v Mestni občini Ljubljana, ki posamično predstavljajo smiselno zaključeno celoto in so bile zgrajene v obdobju 1947 - 1986. Na podlagi realiziranih prodajnih poslov stanovanj v posameznih soseskah smo z uporabo statistične analize ugotavljali, ali obstajajo statistično značilne razlike med povprečnimi cenami stanovanj ( /m2) v posameznih soseskah ter kako velike so te razlike. Glede na izvedene raziskave smo definirali najbolj izrazite mikrolokacijske faktorje, ki se nanašajo na umeščenost soseske v okolje. Vsi ti faktorji so enostavno merljivi. Regresijska analiza je pokazala, da je z izbranimi mikrolokacijskimi faktorji pojasnjeno 31 % variabilnosti cene na enoto stanovanj v izbranih soseskah, kar je potrebno upoštevati pri interpretaciji izbranih rezultatov. S hierarhičnim razvrščanjem sosesk v skupine smo preverjali, katere soseske imajo najbolj podobne lokacijske faktorje in v katerih karakteristikah se soseske med sabo razlikujejo. Tako smo dobili nabor primerljivih sosesk. Z analizo rezultatov obeh metod smo ugotavljali, ali lahko na podlagi različnih lokacijskih faktorjev med soseskami razložimo statistično značilne razlike v povprečnih cenah stanovanj ( /m2). Oblikovana metodologija in dobljeni rezultati so lahko cenilcu v pomoč pri ocenjevanju vrednosti stanovanj v različnih soseskah, ki se nahajajo v Mestni občini Ljubljana.


gradbeništvo;magistrska dela;vrednost stanovanj;vpliv lokacije;mestna občina Ljubljana;hierarhično razvrščanje v skupine;statistična analiza;T test;


Language: Slovenian
Year of publishing:
Typology: 2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization: UL FGG - Faculty of Civil and Geodetic Engineering
Publisher: [A. Pirc]
UDC: 332.6:519.22(497.451.1)(043)
COBISS: 8093025 Link will open in a new window
Views: 1388
Downloads: 1327
Average score: 0 (0 votes)

Other data

Secondary language: English
Secondary title: ǂThe ǂimpact of location on apartment value in the municipality of Ljubljana
Secondary abstract: In this master thesis, the impact of location on apartment value in the municipality of Ljubljana was analyzed. The main purpose was to define an objective value frame that would help the user to compare two locations, consequently the value range and factors of location were analyzed. All neighborhoods that were selected in the Municipality of Ljubljana were built in the period 1947 - 1986. For this research, realized sales transactions of apartments in specific neighborhoods in Municipality of Ljubljana were used. It was investigated, if there are statistically significant differences between the average of apartment prices ( /m2) in each of neighborhoods, and how the significant differences are. There were defined micro location factors into detail. The factors of micro location are all easily measurable and therefore represent the most basic characteristics of the location. It was investigated that with micro location factors is explained 31 % of the variability value, using multiple regression analysis. The research was made using cluster analysis to determine which of the neighborhoods have the most similar factors of micro location. The set of comparable neighborhoods were therefore obtained and the results of both methods were evaluated and compared. Based on different factors of micro location the statistically significant differences in average prices of apartments were explained. Used methodology and the results can help the user to compare two locations in the Municipality of Ljubljana.
Secondary keywords: civil engineering;master thesis;apartment value;the impact of location;Municipality of Ljubljana;hierarchical clustering;statistical analysis;T - test;
Type (COBISS): Master's thesis/paper
Study programme: 0
Embargo end date (OpenAIRE): 1970-01-01
Thesis comment: Univ. v Ljubljani, Fak. za gradbeništvo in geodezijo
Pages: XX, 108 str.
ID: 10844266