magistrsko delo
Eva Mravljak (Author), Tomaž Polak (Reviewer), Andreja Čanžek Majhenič (Mentor), Primož Treven (Co-mentor)


V magistrskem delu smo ugotavljali vpliv načina reje kozjega mleka na tehnološko kakovost za izdelavo sira. Primerjali smo ekološko in konvencionalno rejo koz. Sirjenje iz mleka obeh tipov reje smo izvedli dvakrat proti koncu laktacije v razmaku treh tednov. Uporabili smo kozje mleko, ki smo ga pridobili na PRC za živinorejo v Logatcu. Na tehnološko kakovost mleka in njegovo količino vplivajo številni dejavniki, kot so vreme, obdobje laktacije, prehrana in estrus. Pri sirjenju kozjega mleka obeh tipov smo uporabili enako sirišče in startersko kulturo v predpisani koncentraciji. Kakovost surovega kozjega mleka in poltrdega kozjega sira smo ovrednotili s kemijskimi analizami, sire pa smo ocenili še senzorično in z merjenjem teksture. Merili smo 7 parametrov teksture: čvrstost, prilepnost, elastičnost, vezljivost, žvečljivost, gumijavost in prožnost. Ugotovili smo, da način reje koz v našem primeru ni vplival na tehnološko kakovost mleka za izdelavo sira. Mleko iz konvencionalne in ekološke reje je imelo podobno kemijsko sestavo, vrednost pH, število somatskih celic, skupno število mikroorganizmov in se podobno obnašalo pri sirjenju. Po okusu se ekološki in konvencionalni sir nista bistveno razlikovala.


mleko;kozje mleko;koze;reja;ekološka reja;konvencionalna reja;kakovost mleka;kozji sir;kemijska sestava;tehnološke lastnosti;senzorične lastnosti;


Language: Slovenian
Year of publishing:
Typology: 2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization: UL BF - Biotechnical Faculty
Publisher: [E. Mravljak]
UDC: 637.354.8:636.39:543.92
COBISS: 4793976 Link will open in a new window
Views: 1601
Downloads: 676
Average score: 0 (0 votes)

Other data

Secondary language: English
Secondary title: Quality of goat's cheese from organic and conventional farming
Secondary abstract: In the master's thesis we investigated the influence of the type of farming on the technological quality of goat's milk for cheese-making. We have compared organically and conventionally bred goats. Making cheese from the milk of both types of production was performed twice; both at the end of lactation. We used the goat's milk which was acquired in the PRC for livestock in Logatec. The quality and quantity of milk were affected by external factors (weather, period of lactation, nutrition, estrus). We used the same rennet and starter culture in the prescribed concentration. The quality of raw goat's milk and semi-hard goat cheese, was evaluated by chemical analysis. We also evaluated the organoleptic characteristics and parameters of texture: hardness, adhesiveness, springiness, cohesiveness, chewiness, gumminess and resiliance. Our result showed that the influence of the type of farming on the technological quality was not significant. Both, milk from conventional as well as organic production, had a similar chemical composition, pH, somatic cell count, total bacterial count and had similar behaviour, when we were making cheese. The taste of organic and conventional cheese did not differ significantly.
Secondary keywords: milk;goat's milk;goats;farming;organic farming;conventional farming;milk quality;goat's cheese;chemical composition;technological properties;sensory properties;
Type (COBISS): Master's thesis/paper
Study programme: 0
Embargo end date (OpenAIRE): 1970-01-01
Thesis comment: Univ. v Ljubljani, Biotehniška fak., Oddelek za živilstvo
Pages: X, 60 f.
ID: 10844313