magistrsko delo študijskega programa 2.stopnje Arhitektura
Tomaž Pažek (Author), Uroš Lobnik (Mentor), Peter Šenk (Co-mentor)


Po izgradnji mestne obvoznice imajo Radlje še neizkoriščen potencial za preoblikovanje odprtih javnih površin v središču mesta. Delo predstavlja celovito prenovo mestnega središča občine Radlje ob Dravi, s ciljem revitalizacije območja. V nalogi podamo konkretne rešitve tako za preureditev odprtega javnega prostora, kot tudi za sanacijo oziroma rekonstrukcijo obstoječega stavbnega tkiva in programa. S predlogom rekonstrukcije in dozidave nekdanje veleblagovnice Tima dajemo središču Radelj osrednjo arhitekturo z mešanim programom, katerega naloga je vzdrževanje mestnega utripa na osrednji odprti površini. S preureditvijo javnega odprtega prostora, umikom parkirišč v zaledje stavb in z vzpostavitvijo skupnega prometnega prostora na območju osrednje prometnice, vrnemo središče naselja pešcem. Naloga med drugim podaja predlog za sanacijo nekaterih dotrajanih fasad in programa na robu preurejenega javnega odprtega prostora.


revitalization of the town centre;town centre;Radlje ob Dravi;renovation of the town centre;


Language: English
Year of publishing:
Typology: 2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization: UM FGPA - Faculty of Civil Engineering, Transportation Engineering and Architecture
Publisher: [T. Pažek]
UDC: 711.16:711.532(043.2)
COBISS: 21226262 Link will open in a new window
Views: 1041
Downloads: 354
Average score: 0 (0 votes)

Other data

Secondary language: Slovenian
Secondary title: Revitalization of the town centre of the municipality Radlje ob Dravi
Secondary abstract: After constructing the bypass road, Radlje ob Dravi still offers an untapped potential for the transformation of open public spaces in the town centre. The thesis presents a comprehensive renovation of the town centre of the Municipality Radlje ob Dravi, aimed towards the revitalisation. We point out the concrete solutions for redesigning the open public space, as well as for the rehabilitation and reconstruction of the existing building tissue and programme. According to the proposal for reconstruction and extension of the former department store Tima, we provide the Radlje’s town centre with a central architecture and mixed programme, the purpose of which is to maintain the town’s pulse in the central open area. By renovating the open public space, moving car parks in the hinterland of the buildings, and establishing a common traffic space in the central town road area, we return the town centre to pedestrians. Additionally, the thesis suggests the rehabilitation of certain deteriorated facades and the programme along the edge of the renovated open public space.
Secondary keywords: revitalizacija mestnega jedra;mestno središče Radlje ob Dravi;prenova mestnega središča;mesta;magistrske naloge;
Type (COBISS): Master's thesis/paper
Thesis comment: Univ. v Mariboru, Fak. za gradbeništvo, prometno inženirstvo in arhitekturo, Arhitektura
Pages: 104 str.
ID: 10844336
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, magistrsko delo študijskega programa 2.stopnje Arhitektura