magistrsko delo
Sara Potrč (Author), Sonja Treven (Mentor)


Pričujoče magistrsko delo se ukvarja z vplivom coachinga na razvoj organizacijske kulture. Slednja predstavlja skupek vrednot, norm ter prepričanj, ki jih gradijo in razvijajo člani organizacije. Temelj vsakega podjetja so torej zaposleni, ki s svojim znanjem, veščinami in sposobnostmi vplivajo na celotno delovanje organizacije. Iz tega razloga je vlaganje v razvoj človeškega kapitala nujno. Ena izmed metod, ki prispeva k razvoju človeškega kapitala v organizaciji, je coaching. Z njegovo uporabo lahko podjetja maksimirajo neizkoriščene potenciale zaposlenih in s tem vplivajo na njihove spretnosti, sposobnosti ter na številne druge dejavnike dela, med drugim tudi na razvoj organizacijske kulture. Magistrsko delo je v celoti predstavljeno na teoretičnih osnovah. V prvem delu smo opredelili človeški kapital in predstavili pomen rednega merjenja ter investiranja vanj. Nato smo predstavili vplive človeškega kapitala na konkurenčno prednost organizacij in opredelili načine njegove krepitve. V drugem delu smo se lotili pojma coachinga. Predstavili smo njegovo zgodovino, značilnosti in vrste, opisali razvoj coachinga v Sloveniji ter povzeli stanje coachinga po svetu. Ker vse več korporacij ugotavlja, da jim coaching prinaša veliko prednosti, smo v tretjem delu predstavili temeljne kompetence coachev in natančno opredelili proces coachinga v organizacijah ter povzeli nekaj pomembnih ugotovitev glede coachinga v problematičnih situacijah. Predzadnji del magistrskega dela predstavlja vpliv coachinga na razvoj organizacijske kulture. V tem delu smo opredelili nekaj teoretičnih osnov pojma organizacijske kulture in predstavili pomen ustrezne kulture za uspešnost organizacij ter njen vpliv na zadovoljstvo, kreativnost in inovativnost zaposlenih. Ob tem smo našteli še nekaj prednosti uporabe coachinga za organizacije in posameznike. V zadnjem delu smo se lotili opredelitve kulture coachinga. Za oblikovanje ustrezne kulture coachinga smo najprej opisali pomen izdelave analize in vrednotenja primarne oziroma obstoječe organizacijske kulture, nato pa smo natančno opredelili še korake oblikovanja kulture coachinga. Ob zaključku oblikovanja kulture coachinga smo pojasnili tudi pomembnost merjenja učinkovitosti coachinga ter našteli nekaj prednosti kulture coachinga za organizacije.


človeški kapital;organizacijska kultura;coaching;uspešnost;


Language: Slovenian
Year of publishing:
Typology: 2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization: UM EPF - Faculty of Economics and Business
Publisher: [S. Potrč]
UDC: 005.73(043.2)
COBISS: 12833564 Link will open in a new window
Views: 1094
Downloads: 284
Average score: 0 (0 votes)

Other data

Secondary language: English
Secondary title: Development of organizational culture through coaching
Secondary abstract: The present master’s paper studies the influence of coaching on the development of organizational culture. The latter presents a set of values, norms and beliefs, build and developed by the members of the organization. The foundation of any company are therefore the employees, who with their knowledge, skills and abilities impact the overall functioning of the organization. Regarding this, investing in development of human capital is necessary. One of the methods that contribute to the development of human capital in the organization is coaching. By using this method the companies can maximize unexploited potentials of the employees and therefore influence their skills, abilities, as well as other numerous factors of work, including the development of organizational culture. The master’s paper is presented entirely on theoretical grounds. The first part of the paper defines the human capital, purpose of its regular measuring and investing. In the following we presented the impact of the human capital regarding to the competitive advantage of organizations, as well as defining the ways of strengthening it. In the second part we focused on the concept of coaching, its history, characteristics and types. We described the development of coaching in Slovenia and sum up the state of the coaching in the world. As increasing number of corporations established the benefits of coaching, the third part of the paper presents the ground competences of coaches, precisely defines the process of coaching in organizations and summarizes a few important findings concerning coaching in problematic situations. Penultimate part of master’s paper presents the influence of coaching on development of organizational culture. In this part we defined some theoretical foundations regarding the concept of organizational culture, presented the importance of appropriate culture for the success of the organizations and the influence that the organizational culture has on employees, their contentment, creativity and innovativeness. Additionally we listed some advantages of using coaching for organizations and for individuals. The last part defines coaching culture. Firstly we described the importance of implementing analyses and evaluation of primary or current organization. Afterward we specified the steps for forming the coaching culture. At the conclusion of forming the coaching culture we clarified the importance of measuring effectiveness of coaching and listed some of the benefits of the coaching culture for organizations.
Secondary keywords: Human Capital;Coaching;Organizational Culture;Coaching Culture.;
Type (COBISS): Master's thesis/paper
Thesis comment: Univ. v Mariboru, Ekonomsko-poslovna fak.
Pages: 78 str.
ID: 10844818