Umetniški klub Grohar
Nika Vaupotič (Author), Barbara Murovec (Mentor)


Predmet magistrskega dela je Umetniški klub Grohar, ki je deloval v času med leti 1920 in 1926 v Mariboru. Ob koncu prve svetovne vojne, ko je mesto dobilo novo politično in geografsko vlogo, organiziranega likovnega življenja v Mariboru ni bilo. Umetniški klub Grohar si je zadal nalogo, da vzbudi v prebivalcih zanimanje za umetnost in ustvari umetniški trg, podpira umetniško ustvarjalnost na slovenskem Štajerskem in v Mariboru vzpostavi kontinuirano razstavno dejavnost. V času delovanja kluba so organizirali deset razstav, na katerih so lahko svoja dela predstavili člani in gostujoči umetniki. V magistrskem delu so osvetljeni razlogi za nastanek Umetniškega kluba Grohar in okoliščine, v katerih je deloval. Analizirana je recepcija v likovni kritiki in javnosti ter vloga pri ustvarjanju umetniškega življenja v 20. stoletju v Mariboru, ne nazadnje pa tudi njegovo mesto v slovenski in jugoslovanski umetnosti v času med obema vojnama.


magistrska dela;Umetniški klub Grohar;Maribor;likovna društva;razstave;umetniško povezovanje;umetnost med obema vojnama;umetnostna zgodovina;1920/1926;Cotič;Viktor;1885-1955;Gvajc;Anton;1865-1935;Stiplovšek;Franjo;1898-1963;


Language: Slovenian
Year of publishing:
Typology: 2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization: UM FF - Faculty of Arts
Publisher: [N. Vaupotič]
UDC: 73/76(497.412)"1920/1926"(043.2)
COBISS: 24031496 Link will open in a new window
Views: 924
Downloads: 159
Average score: 0 (0 votes)

Other data

Secondary language: English
Secondary title: Networking and exhibiting in Maribor between the two World Wars
Secondary abstract: The subject of this master's thesis is the Art Group Grohar, which was active between the years 1920 and 1926 in Maribor. At the end of the First World War, when the city gained a new political and geographical role, there was no organized artistic life in Maribor. Art Group Grohar set itself the task to peak the population's interest in art and to establish the art market, support artistic creativity in Slovenian Styria and to set up regular exhibitions in Maribor. During the time the group was active, they organized ten exhibitions in which members and guest artists could present their work. The thesis highlights the reasons for the foundation of the Art Group Grohar and the circumstances under which it operated. It also contains the analysis of the reception by art critics and the public, the group's role in the creation of artistic life in the 20th century in Maribor, and last but not least, its place in Slovenian and Yugoslav art between the two World Wars.
Secondary keywords: master theses;Art Group Grohar;Maribor;art societies;exhibitions;artist networking;art between the two World Wars;art history;1920/1926;
Type (COBISS): Master's thesis/paper
Thesis comment: Univ. v Mariboru, Filozofska fak., Oddelek za umetnostno zgodovino
Pages: IV, 190 f.
ID: 10844849