magistrsko diplomsko delo
Katarina Gabrovec (Author), Barbara Novak (Mentor)


Zakon o zakonski zvezi in družinskih razmerjih določa, da se za očeta otroka, rojenega zunaj zakonske zveze, šteje tisti, ki je otroka pripoznal oziroma tisti, čigar očetovstvo je bilo ugotovljeno s sodno odločbo. Pripoznanje je prostovoljna, strogo osebna izjava posameznika, da je oče nezakonskega otroka in ni nujno, da ustreza biološki resnici. Poda jo lahko pred centrom za socialno delo, matičarjem, v javni listini ali v oporoki. Kot pogoj za veljavnost pripoznanja zakon predpisuje tudi soglasje matere. Podano pripoznanje je mogoče tudi izpodbijati. Pravico do izpodbijanja pripoznanja imata otrok in biološki oče. Moški, ki je podal izjavo, ima na voljo le izpodbijanje zaradi napak v izjavi volje po pravilih Obligacijskega zakonika. Drugi način vzpostavitve očetovstva je sodno ugotavljanje očetovstva. Pravico do vložitve tožbe imata otrok in moški, ki je podal pripoznanje, vendar mu mati ni podala soglasja. Otrok lahko vloži tožbo kadarkoli, saj ni omejen z nobenimi roki. V imenu mladoletnega otroka vloži tožbo mati, ki ji naša zakonodaja trenutno ne priznava aktivne legitimacije. Moški lahko vloži tožbo v roku enega leta, odkar je prejel obvestilo o materinem nestrinjanju s pripoznanjem očetovstva, vendar najkasneje v roku petih let od otrokovega rojstva. Sodno ugotovljenega očetovstva ni dopustno izpodbijati. Z ugotovitvijo očetovstva se med moškim in otrokom vzpostavi starševsko razmerje skupaj z vsemi pravicami in obveznostmi.


družinsko pravo;starševstvo;ugotavljanje očetovstva;pripoznanje;sodno ugotavljanje očetovstva;otrokove koristi;materina pravica do zasebnosti;magistrske diplomske naloge;


Language: Slovenian
Year of publishing:
Typology: 2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization: UL PF - Faculty of Law
Publisher: [K. Gabrovec]
UDC: 347.63(043.2)
COBISS: 15690065 Link will open in a new window
Views: 2405
Downloads: 535
Average score: 0 (0 votes)

Other data

Secondary language: English
Secondary title: Establishment of paternity
Secondary abstract: The law of marriage and family relations states that the father of a child born out of wedlock is a man who acknowledged the fatherhood of a child or a man whose paternity was judicially determined. The acknowledgement of fatherhood is a voluntary, strictly personal statement of an individual that he is the father of the child. It is not necessary that the statement corresponds with the biological reality. It can be administered at the centre for social care, at the registry office, it can be given as an official record or a statement in a will. According to the law the acknowledgement is valid if the consent of the mother exists. The given acknowledgement can be contested. The child and the biological father have the right to contest the acknowledgement. Under the rules of the Law of obligations a man who made a statement of fatherhood can only file a complaint because of the mistakes in the given statement. The second way of establishing fatherhood is judicial determination. The right to file an action is given to the child or to the man who acknowledges the fatherhood but hasn’t been given the consent by the child’s mother. The child can file an action at any time since no time limits apply for the child. On behalf of the minor an action can be filed by the mother, who according to our legislation can not do it on her own behalf. A man can file an action within a year (but not more than 5 years after the child’s birth) since he was informed about the mother’s disagreement concerning the acknowledgement of fatherhood. Judicially determined fatherhood can not be contested. With the determination of fatherhood a parental relationship between a man and a child with all due rights and responsibilities is established.
Secondary keywords: Parenthood;establishment of paternity;acknowledgment of fatherhood;judical determination of paternity;interest of the child;the mother's right to privacy.;
Type (COBISS): Master's thesis/paper
Study programme: 0
Embargo end date (OpenAIRE): 1970-01-01
Thesis comment: Univ. v Ljubljani, Pravna fak.
Pages: 36 f.
ID: 10845036
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