diplomsko delo


Dejstvo, da pisalo pušča sled, prek lastne izkušnje kmalu ugotovi tudi otrok. Črta, ki jo ustvari, je rezultat njegovega dela. Ker je otrok željen raziskovanja, raziskuje in razvija svoje sposobnosti. Njegovo izražanje se zato ne zaključi s črto na papirju, ampak se nadaljuje z odkrivanjem novega. Kompleksni proces, ki ga ponujajo različna likovna področja, otroku omogoča različne elemente iz okolja povezati v – zanj novo – smiselno celoto. Zato je otrokovo likovno izražanje veliko več kot le izdelek, je vpogled v njegovo dojemanje sveta, razmišljanje in čutenje (Lowenfeld, Brittain, 1947). V teoretičnem delu diplomskega dela sem se osredotočila na specifičen segment likovnega razvoja predšolskega otroka, tj. na njegove sposobnosti transformacije tridimenzionalnih objektov v dvodimenzionalno formo in obratno. Likovni razvoj je naraven, a je pri tem ključnega pomena spodbudno okolje, ki otroku omogoča raznolike (likovne) izkušnje, ki mu bodo zagotovile pester nabor ugotovitev, znanja in izzivov. Premišljena priprava učnega okolja z uporabo različnih likovnih področij je tisto, kar pri otroku spodbudi procese razmišljanja in ga obogati z novim znanjem. Sama sem se osredotočila na najbolj zastopano področje, risanje, in na videz povsem nasprotno, kiparjenje. Izpostavila sem značilnosti obeh likovnih področij in nato poiskala njuna stičišča. Risanje od otroka zahteva dvodimenzionalno upodabljanje tridimenzionalnega sveta, medtem ko ima otrok pri kiparjenju možnost občutiti materijo. Ravno ta razlika pa omogoča medsebojno dopolnjevanje. Želela sem poudariti spontanost in fleksibilnost, ki jo umetnost ima. Prizadevala sem si predstaviti proces pedagoškega dela, ko otroci svobodno odkrivajo likovni material in predvsem samega sebe.


kiparjenje;likovna umetnost v predšolskem obdobju;faze likovnega razvoja;


Language: Slovenian
Year of publishing:
Typology: 2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization: UL PEF - Faculty of Education
Publisher: [K. Avsenik Hanson]
UDC: 373.2:7(043.2)
COBISS: 11602505 Link will open in a new window
Views: 529
Downloads: 117
Average score: 0 (0 votes)

Other data

Secondary language: English
Secondary title: Art transformations between drawing and sculpturing
Secondary abstract: A child in his early years, soon realizes the fact, that a pen leaves a trail. He learns that the created line is a result of his work. His knowledge is created through the transformation of previous experiences. As a child has a desire to explore, through exploration he learns and develops his skills. His expression is therefore, not limited by a line on a piece of paper, but he continues to seek new ways and that is how he discovers new learnings. The complex process by offering different artistic fields, allows children to connect various elements of the environment into a new – for him – meaningful whole. Therefore, the child's artistic expression is much more than just a product, it is an insight into his perception of the world, thinking and feeling (Lowenfeld, Brittain, 1947). In the theoretical part of the thesis, I focused on a specific segment of the artistic development of pre-school children – it is their ability to transform three-dimensional objects in a two-dimensional form, and vice versa. Art is a natural development, but it is crucial that the environment is supportive and that it allows the child a variety of (art) experiences, which will provide a wide range of new challenges, findings and knowledge. Meaningful and careful preparation of the learning environment, through the use of various artistic fields, is crucial for the child’s process of thinking and his enrichment of new knowledge. I focused on the most represented art area in preschools, drawing and seemingly the contrary, sculpturing. I highlighted the characteristics of both art fields and found their connections. Drawing of the child requires a two-dimensional imaging of a three-dimensional world, while children in sculpturing get the opportunity of feeling the matter. It is the differences between drawing and sculpturing that complement each other. I wanted to emphasize the spontaneity and flexibility that art has. I have endeavored to present the process of teaching, where children have opted a free and spontaneous process, where they discover the artistic material presented to them and at the same time allow them, as individuals, to express their abilities and creativity in our society.
Secondary keywords: pre-school child;art;drawing;predšolski otrok;umetnost;risanje;
File type: application/pdf
Type (COBISS): Bachelor thesis/paper
Thesis comment: Univ. v Ljubljani, Pedagoška fak., Predšolska vzgoja
Pages: 63 str.
ID: 10846945
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