
Over ▫$7x10^5$▫ tons of dyestuff is produced annually with more than 100.000 commercially available dyes. Synthesis of colorants involves a relatively large group of chemicals with complex syntheses. During the synthesis of colorants, highly toxic, cancerogenic and persistent organic compounds, such as dioxins, can be formed. Dioxins are related to halogenes, chlorine and bromine homologues being the most toxic and persistent. About 40% of globally used colorants contain organically bound chlorine. The use of colorants in textile industry, with their wide applications and complex chemistry could be a significant source of dioxins and/or precursor compounds for the formation of dioxins and other persistent organic pollutants. The aim of the paper is to give an overview of the dioxin-like compounds in chemicals, with emphasis on colorants, textiles and their fate in the environment.


tekstilstvo;dioksini;barvila;pigmenti;tekstilije;organski polutanti;poliklorirani dibenzo-p-dioksini;poliklorirani dibenzofurani;textile industry;dioxins;dyes;pigments;textiles;persistent organic pollutants;polychlorinated dibenzo-p-dioxins;polychlorinated dibenzofurans;


Language: English
Year of publishing:
Typology: 1.02 - Review Article
Organization: UM FS - Faculty of Mechanical Engineering
UDC: 543.6:547.84:667
COBISS: 10529558 Link will open in a new window
ISSN: 0011-1643
Views: 697
Downloads: 329
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Other data

Secondary language: Croatian
Secondary title: Dioksini i slična postojana organska zagađivala u području tekstila i kemikalija za tekstile
Secondary abstract: Godišnje se proizvodi preko ▫$7x10^5$▫ tona supstancija za bojenje s više od 100 000 komercijalnih boja. Sinteza boja uključuje veliku skupinu kemikalija i složene kemijske procese. Utvrđeno je da se tijekom sinteze bojila mogu stvoriti visoko toksične, karcinogene i postojane organske supstancije poput dioksina. Posebno su toksični i postojani klor- i brom- homolozi. Oko 40 % bojila u svijetu sadrže organski vezani klor. Uporaba bojila u tekstilnoj industriji, njihova široka primjena kao i složeni kemijski procesi proizvodnje mogu biti značajan izvor dioksina i njihovih prekursora kao i drugih postojanih organskih zagađivala (POP). Svrha ovog rada je dati pregled supstancija na bazi dioksina u području tekstila i bojenja, te procijeniti sudbinu tih supstancija u okolišu.
Secondary keywords: tekstilstvo;dioksini;barvila;pigmenti;tekstilije;organski polutanti;poliklorirani dibenzo-p-dioksini;poliklorirani dibenzofurani;
Type (COBISS): Scientific work
Pages: str. 177-186
Volume: ǂno ǂ2
Issue: 2006
ID: 10846964