magistrsko diplomsko delo
Anže Dobelšek (Author), Gorazd Trpin (Mentor)


V tem magistrskem delu sem proučeval razvoj dejavnosti v splošnem interesu države. Predvsem gospodarskih javnih služb in njihov pomen. V začetku dela sem najprej opredelil dejavnosti v splošnem interesu, nato pa sem nadaljeval z opisom obsega javnih služb, ki so v vseh družbenih in ekonomskih ureditvah nujno potrebne za zagotavljanje konsistentnega in nemotenega izvajanja splošnih dejavnosti. V nadaljevanju sem se podrobneje posvetil razvoju javnih služb tukaj sem imel predvsem v mislih razvoj od prvih primitivnih tipov upravnih aparatov do vse bolj izpopolnjenih antičnih, rimskih in srednjeveških struktur. Na kratko sem obrazložil tudi posamezne vrste javnih dejavnosti in njihov namen. V osrednjem delu sem se osredotočil na javne službe v pravu EU in na njihovo preoblikovanje v času vse trajnejšega in tesnejšega povezovanja evropskih narodov ter izpostavil predvsem vprašanja urejanja koncesij in sistema javnega naročanja, kar sta tudi ključna poudarka moje magistrske naloge. S sprejetjem novega paketa direktiv predvsem Direktive 2014/23/EU se je zgodilo veliko poenotenje standardov na ravni celotne Evropske unije. Ob koncu sem izpostavil tudi pravno ureditev javnih služb v Republiki Sloveniji. Ob tem sem največji poudarek namenil, koncesijam, javnim naročilom v splošnem, predvsem mejnim vrednostim in vrednostnim pragovom ter posameznim delom javnega naročanja.


javne službe;koncesije;javni interes;pravni režimi;načela;mejne vrednosti;javna naročila;magistrske diplomske naloge;


Language: Slovenian
Year of publishing:
Typology: 2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization: UL PF - Faculty of Law
Publisher: [A. Dobelšek]
UDC: 35.07:346.543(043.2)
COBISS: 15688529 Link will open in a new window
Views: 1589
Downloads: 511
Average score: 0 (0 votes)

Other data

Secondary language: English
Secondary title: New European regulation of services of general interest
Secondary abstract: In this thesis, the development of activities in general economic interest was examined. Firstly, the concepts of activities or services of general interest were defined. This is followed by a description of the extent of public services that are indispensable in all social and economic organizations, because they ensure consistent and smooth execution of general activities. Later, the focus was placed on the development of public services ranging from the first primitive types of administrative apparatus to increasingly sophisticated ancient, Roman, and medieval structures. Particular types of such services and their aim were explained as well. The main part public of the thesis focuses on public service in the EU law and its transformation during the increasingly close integration of European nations. With the adoption of the new package of directives in particular Directive 2014/23 / EU the lot has happened in the uniform standards at European Union level and finally arranges the concession granting sphere. At the end, on the regulation of public services in the Republic of Slovenia was highlighted. The main focus was on concessions, public tenders, especially on the limits and value thresholds as well as on the individual parts of the procurement process.
Secondary keywords: services of general interest;concessions;legal regimes;public procurement;principles;threshold values;public tenders;
Type (COBISS): Master's thesis/paper
Study programme: 0
Embargo end date (OpenAIRE): 1970-01-01
Thesis comment: Univ. v Ljubljani, Pravna fak.
Pages: 63 f.
ID: 10846996