delo diplomskega projekta
Martina Jelinić (Author), Romana Korez-Vide (Mentor)


Poslovno komuniciranje je eden izmed glavnih dejavnikov uspešnega mednarodnega poslovanja. Pri mednarodnem poslovanju in poslovnem komuniciranju moramo biti pozorni na izbiro pravilne komunikacije, moramo spoznati kulturo sogovornika, saj lahko tako bistveno olajšamo doseganje ciljev organizacije. Številni avtorji poudarjajo pomen poznavanja medkulturnih razlik in kako le-te vplivajo na poslovno komuniciranje in mednarodno poslovanje na splošno. Vedno več podjetij in poslovnežev se zaveda medkulturnih razlik in jim zato namenjajo veliko pozornosti. S širjenjem na tuje trge pridemo v stik z drugačnimi kulturami, zato je zelo pomembno poznati kulturne razlike, saj drugače lahko pride do konfliktov in kulturnega šoka. Medkulturni pogajalec in poslovnež mora pridobiti potrebna znanja in veščine, s katerimi lažje in hitreje razvije uspešno mednarodno poslovno sodelovanje. Nemčija je ena izmed vodilnih držav in trgovinskih partneric v Evropski uniji. V diplomskem projektu smo podrobneje predstavili in analizirali nemško kulturo in poslovno komuniciranje ter ju umestili v izbrane modele medkulturnih razlik.


poslovno komuniciranje;poslovna pogajanja;kultura;medkulturne razlike;Nemčija;


Language: Slovenian
Year of publishing:
Typology: 2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization: UM EPF - Faculty of Economics and Business
Publisher: [M. Jelinić]
UDC: 005.57:316.722(430)
COBISS: 12861212 Link will open in a new window
Views: 1135
Downloads: 191
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Other data

Secondary language: English
Secondary title: ǂThe ǂanalysis of business communication in German culture
Secondary abstract: Business communication is one of the main factors for successful international business activities. When it comes to international business activities and business communication, we need to carefully choose the right way of communication and get to know our partner’s culture, which can significantly help us to achieve our organization’s goals. Numerous authors emphasize the importance of being familiar with cross-cultural differences and their effect on business communication and international business activities in general. An increasing number of companies and business persons are aware of these differences and pay more attention to them. By expanding on foreign markets, we get in contact with different cultures. It is therefore very important to know these differences to avoid possible conflicts and cultural shocks. A cross-cultural negotiator and a businessperson must acquire the requisite knowledge and skills, which can help them to conduct international business cooperation easier and quicker. Germany is one of the leading countries and trade partners in the European Union. In the diploma thesis, we thoroughly presented and analysed the German culture and business communication and placed them into selected models of cross-cultural differences.
Secondary keywords: business communication;business negotiations;culture;cross-cultural differences;Germany.;
Type (COBISS): Diploma project paper
Thesis comment: Univ. v Mariboru, Ekonomsko-poslovna fak.
Pages: II, 27 str.
ID: 10847098
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