
Zaradi naraščajočih koncentracij fluoridov v okolju in njihove strupenosti so raziskovalci v zadnjih desetletjih razvili različne metode za ocenjevanje vpliva teh onesnažil na žive organizme. Za ugotavljanje izpostavljenosti in vplivov fluoridov na sesalce (predvsem parkljarje) se uporabljajo metode akumulacijske bioindikacije (tj. določevanje vsebnosti fluoridov v kostnih tkivih, npr. čeljustih) in/ali metode odzivne bioindikacije (npr. makroskopskodoločevanje stopnje zobne fluoroze kot specifične morfološke spremembe, ki kaže na vpliv izpostavljenosti fluoridom na tvorbo in razvoj sklenine v času zobne formacije). Primernost čeljusti prostoživečih prežvekovalcev (zlasti srnjadi) kot bioindikatorjev onesnaženosti potrjuje v preteklosti ugotovljeni obstoj močnih pozitivnih soodvisnosti med koncentracijami fluoridov v okolju in: (i) vsebnostjo fluoridov v čeljustih srnjadi/jelenjadi; (ii) stopnjo zobne fluoroze obeh omenjenih vrst. Uporaba čeljusti v bioindikacijske namene je primerna tudi z logističnega in stroškovnega vidika, saj se čeljusti parkljarjev v marsikateri državi sistematično zbirajo z namenom kognitivnega in kontroliranega upravljanja s populacijami. Zaradi tega so dostopne v velikem številu, praviloma z vsemi potrebnimi atributnimi in geografskimi podatki o posameznem uplenjenem osebku. Slednje omogoča izvedbo veliko-površinskih (a prostorsko zelo natančnih), cenovno ugodnih in zanesljivih biomonitoringov onesnaženosti okolja s fluoridi, ki smo jih leta 2008 uvedli tudi v Sloveniji.


bioindikacija;srnjad;fluoridi;zobna fluoroza;spodnje čeljusti;kočniki;


Language: Slovenian
Year of publishing:
Typology: 1.02 - Review Article
Publisher: Inštitut za gozdno in lesno gospodarstvo
UDC: 504.5
COBISS: 1077718 Link will open in a new window
ISSN: 0351-3114
Parent publication: Zbornik gozdarstva in lesarstva
Views: 3275
Downloads: 1305
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Other data

Secondary language: English
Secondary title: Bioindication of fluoride pollution by the use of roe deer (Capreolus capreolus L.) mandibles: situation and perspectives
Secondary abstract: Due to the increasing concentrations of fluorides in the environment, several bioindication methods for assessing the impact of fluoride pollution on living organisms have been developed in the last few decades. Studies of the exposure and impact of fluorides on mammals (primarily ungulates) are performed either as different methods of accumulative bioindication (i.e. determination of fluoride levels in bones, e.g. mandibles) and/or as methods of response bioindication (e.g. macroscopic assessment of the presence and severity of dental fluorosis as a specific morphologic change, which is the consequence of fluorides affecting the formation and development of the enamelin the time of tooth formation). Suitability of ungulates (particularly roe deer) mandibles as a perfect biomonitoring tool for assessingthe fluoride pollution has often been confirmed by the determination of strong positive correlations between fluoride concentrations in the environment and: (i) fluoride levels in mandibles of red/roe deer; (ii) severity of dental fluorosis in both deer species. A high potential of roe deer mandibles for bioindication purposes is stimulated by the fact that lower jaws of ungulates are often (in Slovenia they even must be) systematically collected with the purpose of cognitive management and control. Therefore, huge numbers of mandibles are available in Europe, equipped with all the needed individual (e.g. age, sex, health status) and geographical data (culling location). This enables large-scale (even national-wide, as seen in the case of Slovenia), but nevertheless spatially accurate environmental biomonitoring of fluoride pollution, in a reliable and cost effective way. Such biomonitoring programme started in Slovenia in 2008.
Secondary keywords: bioindication;roe deer;fluorides;dental fluorosis;mandible;cheek teeth
File type: application/pdf
Type (COBISS): Scientific work
Pages: str. 3-20
Issue: ǂŠt. ǂ92
Chronology: 2010
Type (ePrints): article
Title (ePrints): Bioindikacija onesnaženosti okolja s fluoridi z uporabo čeljusti srnjadi (Capreolus capreolus L.): stanje in perspektive
Keywords (ePrints): bioindikacija;srnjad;fluoridi;zobna fluoroza;spodnje čeljusti;kočniki
Keywords (ePrints, secondary language): bioindication;roe deer;fluorides;dental fluorosis;mandible;cheek teeth
Abstract (ePrints): Zaradi naraščajočih koncentracij fluoridov v okolju in njihove strupenosti so raziskovalci v zadnjih desetletjih razvili različne metode za ocenjevanje vpliva teh onesnažil na žive organizme. Za ugotavljanje izpostavljenosti in vplivov fluoridov na sesalce (predvsem parkljarje) se uporabljajo metode akumulacijske bioindikacije (tj. določevanje vsebnosti fluoridov v kostnih tkivih, npr. čeljustih) in/ali metode odzivne bioindikacije (npr. makroskopskodoločevanje stopnje zobne fluoroze kot specifične morfološke spremembe, ki kaže na vpliv izpostavljenosti fluoridom na tvorbo in razvoj sklenine v času zobne formacije). Primernost čeljusti prostoživečih prežvekovalcev (zlasti srnjadi) kot bioindikatorjev onesnaženosti potrjuje v preteklosti ugotovljeni obstoj močnih pozitivnih soodvisnosti med koncentracijami fluoridov v okolju in: (i) vsebnostjo fluoridov v čeljustih srnjadi/jelenjadi; (ii) stopnjo zobne fluoroze obeh omenjenih vrst. Uporaba čeljusti v bioindikacijske namene je primerna tudi z logističnega in stroškovnega vidika, saj se čeljusti parkljarjev v marsikateri državi sistematično zbirajo z namenom kognitivnega in kontroliranega upravljanja s populacijami. Zaradi tega so dostopne v velikem številu, praviloma z vsemi potrebnimi atributnimi in geografskimi podatki o posameznem uplenjenem osebku. Slednje omogoča izvedbo veliko-površinskih (a prostorsko zelo natančnih), cenovno ugodnih in zanesljivih biomonitoringov onesnaženosti okolja s fluoridi, ki smo jih leta 2008 uvedli tudi v Sloveniji.
Abstract (ePrints, secondary language): Due to the increasing concentrations of fluorides in the environment, several bioindication methods for assessing the impact of fluoride pollution on living organisms have been developed in the last few decades. Studies of the exposure and impact of fluorides on mammals (primarily ungulates) are performed either as different methods of accumulative bioindication (i.e. determination of fluoride levels in bones, e.g. mandibles) and/or as methods of response bioindication (e.g. macroscopic assessment of the presence and severity of dental fluorosis as a specific morphologic change, which is the consequence of fluorides affecting the formation and development of the enamelin the time of tooth formation). Suitability of ungulates (particularly roe deer) mandibles as a perfect biomonitoring tool for assessingthe fluoride pollution has often been confirmed by the determination of strong positive correlations between fluoride concentrations in the environment and: (i) fluoride levels in mandibles of red/roe deer; (ii) severity of dental fluorosis in both deer species. A high potential of roe deer mandibles for bioindication purposes is stimulated by the fact that lower jaws of ungulates are often (in Slovenia they even must be) systematically collected with the purpose of cognitive management and control. Therefore, huge numbers of mandibles are available in Europe, equipped with all the needed individual (e.g. age, sex, health status) and geographical data (culling location). This enables large-scale (even national-wide, as seen in the case of Slovenia), but nevertheless spatially accurate environmental biomonitoring of fluoride pollution, in a reliable and cost effective way. Such biomonitoring programme started in Slovenia in 2008.
Keywords (ePrints, secondary language): bioindication;roe deer;fluorides;dental fluorosis;mandible;cheek teeth
ID: 10849286