magistrsko delo
Neja Jerant (Author), Suzana Žilič Fišer (Mentor)


Eno izmed temeljnih poslanstev televizije je, da zabava. To poslanstvo je tako del vsakdanje televizije, ki vključuje množico žanrov in medijskih platform. Televizija svojo nalogo opravlja s pomočjo razvedrilnih oddaj, vedno pogosteje pa v programske sheme vključuje svetovno prepoznavne televizijske formate. Te lahko pri nas spremljamo tako na javni televiziji kot tudi na komercialnih televizijah. Programi javne televizije se od komercialnih razlikujejo predvsem po tem, da so javni zapriseženi standardom kakovosti: »Ravnotežje med kvalitetnimi in kvantitetnimi prednostmi je nova naloga javnega servisa« (Žilič Fišer, 2007: 51). S prihodom komercialnih televizij se je konkurenca javni televiziji povečevala, sposobnost zabavati pa je postala ključna pri pridobivanju oz. ohranjanju gledalcev. Magistrsko delo predstavlja vpogled v oddaje razvedrilnega programa, ki so bile v zadnjih desetih letih predvajane v soboto ali nedeljo ob osmih zvečer. Gre za za t. i. prime time oddaje, to so oddaje, ki so umeščene v najbolj gledani termin in tako podvržene največji pozornosti ljudi, ki iščejo razvedrilo. V magistrskem delu uredniki pojasnijo svoje odločitve o ustvarjanju avtorske oddaje po eni strani ter nakupa licenčnega formata po drugi ter morebitne vzporednice med enimi in drugimi, ki vplivajo na proces ustvarjanja razvedrilnega programa.


javna televizija;razvedrilni program;televizijski formati;televizijski žanri;magistrske naloge;


Language: Slovenian
Year of publishing:
Typology: 2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization: UM FERI - Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science
Publisher: N. Jerant
UDC: 654.172(043.2)
COBISS: 20862230 Link will open in a new window
Views: 725
Downloads: 143
Average score: 0 (0 votes)

Other data

Secondary language: English
Secondary title: The impact of new formats and genre-based approaches on tv`s entertainment programe design
Secondary abstract: One of the main purposes of television is to entertain. This mission is therefore part of everyday television, which includes a wide array of genres and media platforms. Television fulfils this role with the help of entertainment programmes, and lately, it has been integrating world-famous and successful television formats into its broadcast programming more and more frequently. In Slovenia, we can follow these on both public-sector television and on commercial channels. The main difference between public-sector television channels and commercial ones is that the former are bound by quality standards: “The balance between advantages of quality and of quantity is the new task of public service”1 (Žilič Fišer, 2007: 51; own translation). With the advent of commercial television, competition for public-sector television had grown, and the ability to entertain has become key to gaining and keeping audiences. This Master's thesis presents an insight into entertainment shows which have been broadcast Saturday or Sunday at eight o'clock in the evening during the last ten years. These are so-called prime time programmes, namely shows which are scheduled for the time of day when most people watch television, and which therefore draw the largest entertainment-seeking viewership. In the thesis, editors explain their decisions regarding creating original content on the one hand and purchasing a licensed format on the other, as well as the potential parallels between the two which affect the process of developing an entertainment programme.
Secondary keywords: public sevice television;entertainment programme;television formats;television genres;prime time shows;
Type (COBISS): Master's thesis/paper
Thesis comment: Univ. v Mariboru, Fak. za elektrotehniko, računalništvo in informatiko, Medijske komunikacije
Pages: VIII, 102 f.
ID: 10850545
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