diplomsko delo
Tjaša Ocvirk (Author), Vedran Hadžić (Reviewer), Maja Pori (Mentor)


Ljudje smo se prilagodili tehnološkim spremembam in se poenotili s sedečim načinom življenja. Vse več časa preživljamo na delovnem mestu in zanemarjamo zdravje s tem, ko večino dneva presedimo v nepravilnih položajih. Ti lahko imajo negativne učinke na mentalno in fizično zdravje, ki jih lahko odpravimo ali zmanjšamo z redno telesno dejavnostjo. Diplomska naloga je monografskega tipa, zato smo opravili pregled literature in raziskav na izbrano temo. Predmet in namen dela sta bila predstaviti problematiko delovnega mesta in negativne posledice, ki jih prinaša prekomerno sedenje. Opredelili smo tudi optimalni položaj sedenja med delom in načine razbremenitve telesa med delom. Prav tako je bil cilj diplomskega dela opisati vpliv promocije telovadbe in zdravega načina življenja in opredeliti pozitivne učinke telovadbe na delovnem mestu. Ugotovljeno je bilo, da pozitivni učinki telovadbe na delovnem mestu segajo na fizično in mentalno področje. Telovadba je zmanjšala bolečine mišično skeletnih struktur, predvsem v ledvenem delu hrbtenice, ramenih in vratu. Mnogi preiskovanci so prav tako zaradi vadbe med delom povečali telesno aktivnost v prostem času in izboljšali sestavo telesa. Raziskave opisujejo znižanje deleža maščobe in holesterola v telesu, mnoge pa poročajo o izgubljenih kilogramih in obsegu okoli pasu. Posledično se je znižalo tudi tveganje za sladkorno bolezen. Poleg fizičnega zdravja, raziskave poročajo o izboljšanem počutju, produktivnosti in manjšem deležu bolniške odsotnosti.


sodobni način življenja;sedeč poklic;anatomija hrbtenice;delovno mesto;zaposleni;promocija zdravja;telovadba na delovnem mestu;pozitivni učinki;rezultati;telesna aktivnost;


Language: Slovenian
Year of publishing:
Typology: 2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization: UL FŠ - Faculty of Sport
Publisher: [T. Ocvirk]
UDC: 331.4:796
COBISS: 5148849 Link will open in a new window
Views: 1546
Downloads: 915
Average score: 0 (0 votes)

Other data

Secondary language: English
Secondary title: Positive Effects of Worksite Exercise in Sedentary Professions
Secondary abstract: People have adjusted to technological changes and accepted a sedentary way of life. Nowadays, we spend most of our time at work and neglect our health by sitting throughout most of the day. Many times, we do it in an incorrect position which is not optimal for our health. This causes many negative effects on our mental and physical health, which can be minimalised with a regular physical activity. The thesis is a monographic type. We reviewed literature and research focusing on the chosen subject. The purpose of the thesis is to present issues of a modern workplace and its negative effects. Moreover, we defined the optimal sitting position during work and ways to relieve tension in the body. Lastly, one of our main goals was to describe the promotion of worksite health and exercise and to define positive effects of workplace exercise. It was discovered that positive effects of exercise include improvement in both mental and physical health. Exercise decreases pain in musculoskeletal structures, mostly in lumbar spine, shoulders and neck. Many volunteers who did workplace exercise, increased the physical activity in their free time as well, thus there are findings of many pupils improving their body composition. Studies also show lower fat and cholesterol percentage and many people report losing weight and inches around waist. In addition, the weight drop reduces the risk of developing type 2 diabetes. Besides physical health benefits, studies show lower work absenteeism and improvements in productivity and overall well-being.
Secondary keywords: sedentary work;worksite exercise;sitting;physical activity;health promotion;spine;
Type (COBISS): Bachelor thesis/paper
Study programme: 0
Embargo end date (OpenAIRE): 1970-01-01
Thesis comment: Univ. v Ljubljani, Fak. za šport
ID: 10850553