diplomski projekt
Glede na današnji tempo življenja vedno manj časa najdemo zase. Stres nas spremlja ves čas v našem vsakdanjem življenju. V bistvu smo se ga že tako navadili, da ga sploh ne zaznamo, dokler ne zbolimo.
Stres je prisoten pri ljudeh v razvitem kot tudi nerazvitem svetu. Je fiziološki, psihološki in vedenjski odgovor posameznika, ki se skuša privaditi na stresorje, ki izvirajo iz delovnega in zasebnega okolja. Možno ga je izraziteje opaziti na delovnem mestu oziroma v raznoraznih službah.
Vzroki za stres na delovnem mestu so predvsem delo pod pritiskom, prevelike zahteve in način komuniciranja nadrejenega z podrejenim. Lahko povzroči motnje pri ustvarjalnosti in učinkovitosti. Na delovnem mestu se srečujemo z različnimi stresorji kot so: negotovost vloge, delovne razmere, vrsta zaposlitve, preobremenjenost vloge, pomanjkanje poštenosti, organizacijski dejavniki, nezadostna nagrada, razmejitev med delom in nedelom, odgovornost za druge zaposlene, nadlegovanje in nasilje na delovnem mestu.
Posledice so dokaj hitro vidne na celotnem organizmu posameznika. Povzroči lahko čustvene, fizične in vedenjske težave. Zmanjša se delovna storilnost, pogosto zamujamo, smo agresivno naravnani in prepirljivi.
Stres je nevaren tudi za izgorevanje zaposlenih na delovnem mestu. Čez čas se lahko pokažejo resne motnje, ki vplivajo na naše zdravje, zmožnost opravljanja nalog in na naše osebno življenje.
V raziskavi, ki smo jo opravili, smo ugotovili naslednje:
- večina zaposlenih je potrdila, da so včasih pod stresom in težko opravljajo svoje naloge,
- kot najpogostejša vzroka stresa navajajo zaposleni težave s sodelavci in časovno stisko,
- nespečnost, živčnost in raztresenost so najbolj pogoste posledice stresa s katerimi se srečujejo zaposleni,
- zaposleni so seznanjeni tudi s tehnikami sproščanja, zlasti se poslužujejo zdrave prehrane in sprehoda v naravi, malo manj pa poslušanja glasbe in druženja s prijatelji,
- zaposleni so zadovoljni s stalnostjo zaposlitve, delom in sodelavci.
stres na delovnem mestu;stresorji;simptomi;posledice;premagovanje stresa;
Language: |
Slovenian |
Year of publishing: |
2017 |
Typology: |
2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis |
Organization: |
UM EPF - Faculty of Economics and Business |
Publisher: |
[T. Pondelak] |
UDC: |
159.944.4 |
Views: |
1462 |
Downloads: |
350 |
Average score: |
0 (0 votes) |
Metadata: |
Other data
Secondary language: |
English |
Secondary title: |
Stress at workplace |
Secondary abstract: |
Based on today's pace of life we find less and less time for ourselves. Stress accompanies us throughout our daily lives. In fact, we are already so accustomed to it, we don't detect it until it's too late.
It's present both in the developed and undeveloped world. It's a physiological, psychological and behavioral response of individuals who are trying to get used to stressors, that come from their work and private environment. It can be distinctly observed in the workplace and in all kinds of services.
The causes of stress at work are mostly pressure, excessive demands and way of communication with the superior-subordinate. That alone can lead to interference in creativity and efficiency. At work, we encounter various stressors such as: uncertainty of the role, working conditions, type of employment, overburdening of the individual, lack of fairness, organizational factors, insufficient reward, delimitation between work and breaks, responsibility for other employees, harassment and violence in the workplace.
The consequences can be seen fairly quickly on the body of the individual. It can cause emotional, physical and behavioral problems. Work productivity decreses, we often arrive late and we tend to come off as aggressive and argumentative.
Stress is also dangerous when burned in the workplace. Over time, it could lead to serious disturbances, which could affect our health and ability to perform tasks. Apart from that, it affects our personal lives.
In the research we carried out we found the following:
- most employees confirmed that they are sometimes under stress and find it difficult to perform their tasks.
- As the most common cause of stress, employees report problems with colleagues and time constraints.
- Insomnia, nervousness and distress are the most frequent effects of stress experienced by employees.
- employees are also acquainted with relaxation techniques, in particular, they use healthy eating and walks in nature, and listen less to music and don't socialize with friends as much.
- in the final stage, employees are satisfied with the continuity of employment, work and colleagues. |
Secondary keywords: |
Stress;stressors;stress symptoms;the effects of stress;recovering from stress.; |
URN: |
Type (COBISS): |
Diploma project paper |
Thesis comment: |
Univ. v Mariboru, Ekonomsko-poslovna fak. |
Pages: |
II, 30 str., 3 str. pril. |
ID: |
10850693 |