magistrsko delo
Magistrsko delo z naslovom Prenos lastninske pravice na nepremičninah s pregledom aktualne sodne prakse obravnava način in potek prenosa lastninske pravice na nepremičninah, pri čemer so izpostavljene predpostavke veljavnega prenosa lastninske pravice, na katere je potrebno biti pri prometu z nepremičninami izredno pozoren.
V magistrskem delu sem na kratko opredelila pomen lastninske pravice in pojasnila, kdo ima razpolagalno sposobnost za prenos lastninske pravice, kako je z dobrovernostjo pridobitelja ter kako doseči učinek absolutnosti. Opisala sem postopek prenosa lastninske pravice na nepremičninah, z opredelitvijo najpogostejših pravnih poslov, ki predstavljajo pravno podlago za njen prenos. Poudarjen je pomen zakonitih predkupnih pravic, ki so določene bodisi z namenom varstva javnega ali zasebnega interesa ter pojasnjene posledice neupoštevanja le-teh. Upoštevaje, da je prenos lastninske pravice na nepremičninah na podlagi pravnega posla povezan tudi z izpolnjevanjem davčnih obveznosti, sem v magistrskem delu predstavila tudi davke, s katerimi je promet z nepremičninami obdavčen in opredelila davčne zavezance, primere, ki so oproščeni plačila davka, ter davčne osnove in davčne stopnje. Nenazadnje sta v magistrskem delu opredeljena vloga notarja ter postopek vpisa prenosa lastninske pravice v zemljiško knjigo.
Zaradi posebne ureditve sem v magistrskem delu pojasnila posebnosti prometa s kmetijskimi zemljišči, gozdovi, nepremičninami na zavarovalnem območju, nepremičninami, ki imajo lastnost kulturne dediščine, ter vodnimi zemljišči.
Teoretični del magistrskega dela je sproti podkrepljen s sodno prakso.
lastninska pravica;promet z nepremičninami;davki;kmetijska zemljišča;gozdovi;vodna zemljišča;nepremičnine z lastnostjo kulturne dediščine;nepremičnine na zavarovalnem območju;zemljiška knjiga;notar;zakonita predkupna pravica;magistrska dela;
Language: |
Slovenian |
Year of publishing: |
2017 |
Typology: |
2.09 - Master's Thesis |
Organization: |
UM PF - Faculty of Law |
Publisher: |
V. Maksimovič] |
UDC: |
347.235(043.3) |
Views: |
1145 |
Downloads: |
210 |
Average score: |
0 (0 votes) |
Metadata: |
Other data
Secondary language: |
English |
Secondary title: |
Transfer of property of real estate by reviewing the current case-law |
Secondary abstract: |
The master's thesis entitled Transfer of the property right to real estate by reviewing the current case-law describes the manner and course of the transfer of the property right to real estates, underlining the assumptions of a valid transfer of property right, to which special attention must be paid when dealing with real estate transactions.
In my master’s thesis I briefly defined the property right and explained who has the capacity to transfer the property right, how it is with the bona fides of the acquirer and how to achieve the effect of absolute. I have described the procedure for transferring property rights to real estate, defining the most common legal transactions that represent the legal basis for its transfer and emphasizing the importance of legal pre-emption rights, which are determined for the purpose of protecting either public or private interests, as well as the consequences of their failure to comply. Taking into account that the transfer of the property right on the basis of a legal transaction is also related to the fulfillment of tax obligations, I have, in my master's thesis, presented real estate transfer taxes, the definition of taxable persons, cases that are exempt from tax obligations, the tax bases and the tax rates. Last but not least, the master's thesis defines the role of a notary public and the procedure for registering the transfer of ownership into the land register.
Due to the special arrangement I have explained the specificities of selling agricultural land, forests, real estate in the insurance area, heritage real estate and aquatic land.
The theoretical part of the master's thesis is based on current case-law. |
Secondary keywords: |
property right;real estate transfer;taxes;agricultural land;forests;real estate in the insurance area;heritage real estate;aquatic land;land registry;notary public;legal pre-emption rights; |
URN: |
Type (COBISS): |
Master's thesis/paper |
Thesis comment: |
Univ. v Mariboru, Pravna fak. |
Pages: |
IV, 60 str. |
ID: |
10850792 |