magistrsko delo
Zala Oto (Author), Sonja Škornik (Mentor), Anastazija Gselman (Co-mentor)


V magistrskem delu smo uporabili poljski poskus, da bi ugotovili, ali obstajajo razlike v nekaterih parametrih izbranih zelenjadnic vzgojenih iz ekološko in konvencionalno vzgojenih semen. Za poskusne rastline smo si iz asortimenta Semenarne Ljubljana izbrali redkvico (Raphanus sativus L.), kumare (Cucumis sativus L.) in grah (Pisum sativum L.). Rastline smo posadili na vrtu kmetije Vražunik na Črneški Gori (občina Libeliče) ter jih nato opazovali celoten življenjski cikel. Vezani smo bili na vremenske razmere, zato smo zaradi izredno nizkih temperatur, neznačilnih za mesec maj, ter večdnevnega deževja kumare in grah sadili dvakrat, saj je bila prvič kaljivost izredno slaba ali pa je sploh ni bilo. V nadaljevanju smo rastlinam izmerili velikost, maso oz. premer plodov, št. plodov, št. normalnih in razpokanih semen v plodovih ter obliko plodov. V laboratorijskem poskusu smo ugotavljali, ali tudi pod nadzorovanimi pogoji v kalilni omari obstajajo razlike v deležu kaljivosti semen ene oz. druge kmetijske prakse. Ugotovili smo, da v večini morfoloških značilnosti ne obstajajo bistvene razlike med rastlinami, vzgojenimi iz ekoloških semen in rastlinami vzgojenimi iz konvencionalnih semen. Izvedli smo tudi različne statistične teste ter tako testirali morebitne statistične razlike. Slednji so pokazali, da med obema proučevanima skupinama sadik obstajajo statistično pomembne razlike, in sicer pri višini ter masi vegetativnih delov redkvice, premeru plodu kumar, masi strokov pri grahu ter številu semen v stroku graha.


magistrska dela;semena;ekološko;konvencionalno;redkvica;grah;kumare;


Language: Slovenian
Year of publishing:
Typology: 2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization: UM FNM - Faculty of Natural Sciences and Mathematics
Publisher: [Z. Oto]
UDC: 633/635:631.53.02(043.2)
COBISS: 23335176 Link will open in a new window
Views: 796
Downloads: 97
Average score: 0 (0 votes)

Other data

Secondary language: English
Secondary title: Comparison of selected properties of some vegetables grown from organic and conventionally produced seeds
Secondary abstract: In the master thesis, the field experiment was used to determine whether there are differences in some parameters of the selected vegetable grown from organic and conventionally grown seeds. For the experimental plants, we selected the radish (Raphanus sativus L.), cucumbers (Cucumis sativus L.) and peas (Pisum sativum L.) from the assortment of Semenarna Ljubljana. We planted the plants in the garden of Vražunik farm on Črneška Gora (Municipality of Libeliče) and then observed them throughout their life cycle. We were dependent of the weather conditions, and because of the extremely low temperatures, which were not typical for the month of May, and several days of rain, the cucumbers and peas were planted twice, because the first time the germination was extremely poor or not present at all. In the following plantation, we measured the size, mass, diameter of the fruit, number of fruits, number of normal and cracked seeds in the fruits and shape of the fruits. In the laboratory experiment, we found out whether there are differences under supervised circumstances in the germination case in the proportion of seeds of one and the other agricultural practices. We have found that in most of the morphological characteristics, there are no significant differences between plants grown from organic seeds and plants grown from conventional seeds. We also carried out various statistical tests to test possible statistical differences. The latter showed that there are statistically significant differences between the two groups studied, namely, the height and weight of the vegetative parts of the radish, the diameter of the fruit of the cucumber, the mass of peas in the pods and the number of peas in the pods.
Secondary keywords: master theses;seeds;organic;conventional;radish;peas;cucumbers;
Type (COBISS): Master's thesis/paper
Thesis comment: Univ. v Mariboru, Fak. za naravoslovje in matematiko, Oddelek za biologijo
Pages: VII, 52 f.
ID: 10850808