alternativne umetniške prakse v Prekmurju v 80-ih letih
Nastja Skušek (Author), Marjeta Ciglenečki (Mentor), Janez Balažic (Co-mentor)


Osrednja tema diplomskega dela je poskus orisa dogajanja na alternativni umetniški sceni osemdesetih let v Prekmurju. Osredotočila sem se predvsem na grafično mapo Oroslan, ki je nastala v okviru Kluba Mladih Murske Sobote. Glavno vlogo pri njenem nastanku so imeli Janez Balažic, Feri Lainšček in Milivoj Roš. Preko grafične mape je bila raziskana tudi širša alternativna kulturna scena Prekmurja v osemdesetih letih. Predstavljen je tudi oris alternativnega dogajanja drugod po Sloveniji, s poudarkom na Ljubljani, kot centru alternativne umetnosti osemdesetih let, Mariboru ter Slovenskih Goricah z okolico, ki sta v bližini Prekmurja in tako z njim delita določene skupne kulturne smernice. Zaradi slabe dokumentiranosti alternativnega umetniškega dogajanja v osemdesetih letih so bili v diplomskem delu uporabljeni predvsem primarni viri v obliki intervjujev in pričevanj nekdanjih članov Kluba Mladih, ki so sodelovali pri dotičnih projektih. Tudi dokumentirano slikovno gradivo v večji meri izhaja iz osebnih arhivov članov. Po pričakovanjih, poglobljen vpogled v dogajanje na umetniški sceni v Prekmurju v osemdesetih letih pokaže, da se je tudi tukaj vzpostavilo pestro alternativno umetniško dogajanje, katerega rezultat je nezanemarljivo število kvalitetnih umetniških produktov in dogodkov, ki so neposredno vplivali tudi na dogajanje v uradnih kulturnih ustanovah Murske Sobote.


diplomska dela;Oroslan;Klub mladih Murska Sobota;alternativna umetnost;osemdeseta leta;Gledališče MI;Književna mladina Murska Sobota;Balažic;Janez;1958-;Lainšček;Feri;1959-;Roš;Milivoj;


Language: Slovenian
Year of publishing:
Typology: 2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization: UM FF - Faculty of Arts
Publisher: [N. Skušek]
UDC: 76Oroslan:7.036/.038(497.411)"1980/1990"(043.2)
COBISS: 23407880 Link will open in a new window
Views: 939
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Other data

Secondary language: English
Secondary title: Oroslan graphics folder
Secondary abstract: The main topic of the graduation thesis is an attempt to outline the alternative art scene in Prekmurje in the eighties. The main focus in this thesis lies in the presentation of the graphics folder Oroslan, a project which was formed under the Klub Mladih Murska Sobota (Youth Club Murska Sobota). The main participants in the creating of the graphics folder were Janez Balažic, Feri Lainšček and Milivoj Roš. With the graphics folder Oroslan, was carried out also a research of the broader alternative cultural scene in Prekmurje in the eighties. Presented is also a general outline of alternative cultural events in Slovenia, with emphasis on Ljubljana - the center of alternative art culture in the eighties, and on Maribor as well as Slovenske Gorice together with its vicinity. Both cities are in the vicinity of Prekmurje and therefore share some cultural parallels with it. Due to the lack of documentation of the alternative cultural events in the eighties, many primary sources of documentation are used, such as interviews and testimonials of former members of the Klub Mladih (Youth Club) that had participated in the events. The documented photographic material also originates primarily from the personal archives of the participants. As expected, a detailed insight in the alternative cultural scene of Prekmurje in the eighties has shown, that also here a wide alternative cultural scene was established, which resulted in a variety of quality art products and events. All of this also has an indirect influence on the events in the official cultural facilities in Murska Sobota.
Secondary keywords: theses;Oroslan;Youth Club Murska Sobota;alternative art;eighties;Theater MI;Literary Youth Club Murska Sobota;
Type (COBISS): Bachelor thesis/paper
Thesis comment: Univ. v Mariboru, Filozofska fak., Oddelek za umetnostno zgodovino
Pages: II, 60, [2] f., 8 f. pril.
ID: 10850853
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, alternativne umetniške prakse v Prekmurju v 80-ih letih
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