magistrsko delo
Jaka Brezočnik (Author), Boštjan Brank (Mentor), Janko Logar (Thesis defence commission member), Iztok Šušteršič (Co-mentor)


V magistrski nalogi so obravnavane rebričaste masivne lesene križno lepljene plošče, ki jih imenujem tudi HCLTP (Hybrid Cross Laminated Timber Plates). V začetnem delu naloge je predstavljeno, zakaj potrebujemo tovrstne gradbene produkte. Prikazani so podobni produkti, ki so bodisi že na trgu ali pa so - podobno kot HCLTP - še v fazi razvoja. Predstavljene so metode, po katerih lahko računamo in projektiramo klasične križno lepljene plošče (CLT-plošče), ki so z nekaj spremembami primerne tudi za HCLTP. Podrobneje se ukvarjam s preučevanjem porušnih mehanizmov pri upogibu HCLTP. V ta namen sem obdelal rezultate eksperimentalnih testov na dveh vrstah vzorcev, pri čemer sem sodeloval pri pripravi vseh vzorcev in pri izvedbi vseh testov. Z malimi vzorci smo raziskovali strižno porušitev med ploščo in rebrom. Z velikimi vzorci (ploščami s tremi rebri razpona 4 m) pa smo raziskovali upogibno porušitev HCLTP. Rezultate testiranj smo primerjali z rezultati analiz z metodo končnih elementov, ki smo jih izvedli s programom SAP 2000.


gradbeništvo;stavbarstvo;magistrska dela;porušitev lesa;strižna nosilnost;upogibna nosilnost;križno lepljene plošče;lepljeni leseni produkti;


Language: Slovenian
Year of publishing:
Typology: 2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization: UL FGG - Faculty of Civil and Geodetic Engineering
Publisher: [J. Brezočnik]
UDC: 624.011.1:624.072.1-048.24(043.2)
COBISS: 8114017 Link will open in a new window
Views: 1387
Downloads: 506
Average score: 0 (0 votes)

Other data

Secondary language: English
Secondary title: Analysis of failure mechanisms of ribbed cross laminated plates
Secondary abstract: This master thesis deals with Hybrid Cross Laminated Timber Plates, also called HCLTP. In the initial part of the paper we illustrate why we need this kind of building products. Similar products that are either already on the market or are - like HCLTP - still in the development stage are described later on. Featured are methods by which we design CLT. With some modifications they are also suitable for HCLTP. More in detail the thesis deals with the destructive mechanisms in bending failure of HCLTP. I processed the results of experimental tests on two types of samples, where I participated in the preparation of all samples and conducting all the tests. With small samples, we investigated the shear fracture between the panel and the rib. With large samples (plates with three ribs with span of 4 m) I studied bending failure of HCLTP. Test results were compared with the results of analyzes by the finite element method which we have modeled in SAP 2000.
Secondary keywords: civil engineering;master thesis;wood fracture;bending;strenght;shear strenght;cross laminated timber;glued timber products;
Type (COBISS): Master's thesis/paper
Study programme: 0
Embargo end date (OpenAIRE): 1970-01-01
Thesis comment: Univ. v Ljubljani, Fak. za gradbeništvo in geodezijo
Pages: XI, 70 str., [25] str. pril.
ID: 10850881