poskus razreševanja kognitivne disonance
Maja Turnšek (Author)


The author examines her own transition in career, from media and communication studies to tourism studies, and reflects on the discrepancies between the two studies and personal cognitive dissonance these discrepancies created. At the level of theory, the author critically analyses currently predominant understandings of tourism as an industry and highlights a different view: one where tourism is understood as a social force incorporating normative values of cultural understanding, improvement of wellbeing and natural and cultural heritage preservation. In the second step, the author compares the development of critical thought in media and in tourism studies and identifies a gap between the so-called "cultural turn" and political economy approaches to tourism studies. Finally, the author analyses how new media are empirically researched in tourism studies and critically reflects on the "blind spot" in tourism studies where social media such as TripAdvisor are considered only as a communication tool. What current tourism studies overlook is the political economy of media such as TripAdvisor: their entanglement in a specific political and economic context and their operations according to the interests of media organisation.


turizem;mediji;kritični diskurz;politična ekonomija;TripAdvisor;


Language: Slovenian
Year of publishing:
Typology: 1.01 - Original Scientific Article
Organization: UM FT - Faculty of Tourism
UDC: 338.48:316.77
COBISS: 85924097 Link will open in a new window
ISSN: 0351-4285
Parent publication: Časopis za kritiko znanosti
Views: 1069
Downloads: 125
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Other data

Secondary language: English
Secondary title: Tourism, critical thought and new media
Secondary abstract: Prispevek obravnava avtoričin prehod kariere iz kritične komunikologije v turistične študije ter kognitivno disonanco, s katero se je pri tem srečala. Namen prispevka je poskus razhajanja med komunikologijo in turističnimi študijami tako na ravni teorije kot na ravni empirije. Na ravni teorije avtorica kritično obravnava trenutno razumevanje turizma kot zgolj industrije in opozarja na širše razumevanje turizma kot družbene sile, katere normativni cilji so povezovanje med kulturami, izboljševanje človekove blaginje in ohranjanje naravne in kulturne dediščine. V drugem koraku avtorica primerja razvoj kritične misli v komunikologiji in turističnih študijah in identificira prelom med t. i. "kulturnim preobratom" v turističnih študijah in turističnimi študijami, ki sledijo idejam politične ekonomije. Kot zadnje avtorica obravnava razhajanje med empiričnim raziskovanjem novih medijev z vidika politične ekonomije in vidika turističnih študij ter na primeru TripAdvisorja opozarja na "slepo pego" v literaturi o turizmu, kjer se osredinjajo na socialne medije kot zgolj orodje, spregledano pa je dejstvo, da so mediji, kot je TripAdvisor, umeščeni v določen politično-ekonomski kontekst in delujejo po načelih lastnih interesov in organiziranosti.
Secondary keywords: critical tourism studies;political economy of new media;TripAdvisor;
Type (COBISS): Scientific work
Pages: str. 154-163
Volume: ǂLetn. ǂ43
Issue: ǂšt. ǂ259
Chronology: 2015
ID: 10850912
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