diplomsko delo
Saša Stojko (Author), Borut Buchmeister (Mentor), Tomaž Irgolič (Co-mentor)


V gospodarstvu se še vedno občuti kriza, zato je zelo pomembno, da podjetja na trgu ostanejo konkurenčna, ob tem pa dosegajo svoje temeljne proizvodne cilje. Receptov za doseganje teh ciljev je več, eden izmed glavnih pa je prav gotovo uspešno vodenje proizvodnje, ki predstavlja v podjetju temeljno funkcijo, okoli katere se nadalje odvijajo vse ostale aktivnosti. Prav zaradi tega razloga sem se odločila, da opravim analizo procesa vodenja v podjetju, v katerem sem zaposlena. Tako sem v prvem delu diplomske naloge predstavila teoretične osnove vodenja proizvodnje. Najprej je predstavljeno podjetje, nato so opisane še druge teme, kot sta priprava in nadzor proizvodnje. Nato sem se osredotočila na proces vodenja proizvodnje, pri čemer so podane bistvene stvari od prihoda naročila, do načrtovanja proizvodnega programa. Drugi del diplomskega dela zajema trenutno stanje v podjetju Sems d. o. o., kamor je vključen tudi program JobDISPO. Postopek je prikazan od predaje dokumentacije do izdelave končnega izdelka. S to nalogo bi želela podjetju prikazati metode, ki bi jih bilo možno vpeljati v podjetje in bi bile v pomoč pri proizvodnem procesu.


priprava proizvodnje;delovna dokumentacija;nadzor;terminsko planiranje;razvrščanje;delovni nalog;JobDISPO;diplomske naloge;


Language: Slovenian
Year of publishing:
Typology: 2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization: UM FS - Faculty of Mechanical Engineering
Publisher: [S. Stojko]
UDC: 658.511.3(043.2)
COBISS: 21111830 Link will open in a new window
Views: 974
Downloads: 176
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Other data

Secondary language: English
Secondary title: Analysis of production control process in company sems d.o.o.
Secondary abstract: The effects of the economic crisis can still be felt in the economy and that is why it is of the outmost importance that companies in the market stay competitive while, at the same time achieving its core manufacturing objectives. There are many recipies for achieving the latter, one of the main ones certainly being successful production management. It represents a fundamental function in the company, around which all other activities are held. Because of this, I decided to do an analysis of the management process in the company where I work. In the first part of my Bachelors thesis I wrote about the theoretical bases of production management. At first, I presented the company and then described other topics such as preparation and production control. After that I focused on the process of production management where I listed the essentials, from the arrival of the contract to the production program design. The second part of the thesis covers the description of the current status of the company Sems d. o. o., including the program JobDISPO. The process described in the thesis covers the process from the documentation transfer to the production of the final product. With it, I would like to demonstrate the methods that the company could introduce into and would improve its production management process.
Secondary keywords: production planning;processing documents;control;scheduling;sequencing;work order;
Type (COBISS): Bachelor thesis/paper
Thesis comment: Univ. v Mariboru, Fak. za strojništvo, Proizvodno strojništvo
Pages: IX, 34 f.
ID: 10859451