diplomsko delo
Vesna Bobek (Author), Aleš Ferčič (Mentor)


Diplomsko delo obravnava pravico biti pozabljen v dobi, ki je zelo povezana z uporabo spleta. Ta pravica postaja vse pomembnejša in s tem vse kar je z njo povezano. Predpisi na tem področju so dokaj zastareli in ne zagotavljajo vsega potrebnega, da bi bile pravice posameznikov ustrezno varovane. Praksa je pokazala, da je varstvo osebnih podatkov treba prenoviti in pri tem biti pozoren na to, da interpretacija ter avtentična razlaga čim podrobneje pojasnita, kaj pravica sploh pomeni in kakšno ter čigavo ravnanje je potrebno. Dejstvo je, da pravica biti pozabljen ni nova pravica in da ima svoje začetke že v prvih predpisih Evropske unije, ki varujejo zasebnost posameznikov ter v poznejših aktih še osebne podatke. Pravica biti pozabljen izvira iz pravice do izbrisa, ki pa jo države članice v svojih nacionalnih predpisih zaradi direktive urejajo vsaka zase, kar vodi do različnih interpretacij. Temu se sedaj obeta preobrat, saj je sprejet nov predpis, ki bo reformiral in nadomestil prejšnjega. Skozi študij posameznih določb aktov, strokovnih mnenj in sodb je razvidno, da so pogledi na ureditev ter argumentacijo za in proti pravici različni. V prihodnosti je zaradi aktualnosti in nejasnih določb na tem področju pričakovati več navodil ter razlag.


pravica biti pozabljen;varstvo osebnih podatkov;pravica do izbrisa;splet;Sodišče Evropske unije;17. člen Uredbe 2016/679;diplomska dela;


Language: Slovenian
Year of publishing:
Typology: 2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization: UM PF - Faculty of Law
Publisher: [V. Bobek]
UDC: 342.7:004.738.5(043.2)
COBISS: 5445163 Link will open in a new window
Views: 1164
Downloads: 143
Average score: 0 (0 votes)

Other data

Secondary language: English
Secondary title: The right to be forgotten in digital era
Secondary abstract: The thesis deals with the right to be forgotten in the era in which everyone is more and more dependent on the internet. The right is becoming increasingly important, as well as the consideration of those who are obligated to provide it. Rules in this area are quite outdated and therefore they do not ensure everything in order to properly protect individuals' rights. Experience has shown that it is necessary to reform protection of personal data. While doing so, the authentic interpretation must be as precise and exact as possible, to clarify all the issues accured in practise. The fact is, that the right to be forgotten is not a new right. It has its roots in the foundamental European Union legislation, that protect privacy of individuals and personal data, which emerged later. The right to be forgotten derives from the right to erasure, which is regulated by the member states in their national legislation. This causes various interpretations and uncertainties about it. With the adoption of a new regulation, the meaning of the right will be more consistent due to replacement and reformation of the previous legislation. Via studies of clauses, expert opinions and a rulling, it is evident, that the views over the regulation and arguments for and against the right are different. Because of the importance and ambiguity of the matter, more guidance and explanations are expected.
Secondary keywords: right to be forgotten;data protection;right to erasure;Internet;Court of Justice of the European Union;article 17 of the Regulation (EU) 2016/679;
Type (COBISS): Bachelor thesis/paper
Thesis comment: Univ. v Mariboru, Pravna fak.
Pages: V, 27 f.
ID: 10859475