magistrsko delo
Lea Ježovnik (Author), Dragica Haramija (Mentor)


V magistrskem delu je na podlagi izbranih kratkih proznih besedil predstavljena pokrajina Spodnja Savinjska dolina. Zbrane in predstavljene so zgodbe, katerih književni prostor je Spodnja Savinjska dolina ali pa so se v tem območju ohranile in pripovedovale. Metode dela so izbrane glede na vrsto magistrskega dela, ki je teoretično. V teoretičnem delu so opisane kratke literarne vrste, ki se pojavljajo v izbranih besedilih (pripovedka, pravljica, anekdota). Prav tako je predstavljena tudi Spodnja Savinjska dolina iz zgodovinskega, geografskega in družbenega pogleda. V osrednjem delu je v obliki obnove predstavljenih in analiziranih 83 izbranih zgodb Spodnje Savinjske doline, ki jih lahko uvrstimo med nesnovno kulturno dediščino in v mladinsko književnost. Razvrščene so glede na književni prostor v zgodbi. Ugotovili smo, da se v izbranih kratkih proznih delih odraža način življenja ljudi Spodnje Savinjske doline in njihove navade, še posebej če opazujemo življenje v preteklih časih. Književni prostor v izbranih zgodbah predstavljajo zgodovinsko ali naravno-geografsko zanimivi kraji v pokrajini. Glavne literarne like pa predstavljajo tako pripadniki nižjega kot višjega sloja, svetniki in različna bajeslovna bitja. Večina izbranih zgodb je danes ljudem, sploh mladini, tudi tistim, ki živijo v neposredni bližini kraja, kjer se zgodba odvija, nepoznanih. Stare pripovedi so pomembne, ker so del nas in naše družbe, zato jih moramo ohranjati in pripovedovati prihajajočim rodovom.


magistrska dela;pripovedke;pravljice;legende;anekdote;Spodnja Savinjska dolina;bajeslovna bitja;


Language: Slovenian
Year of publishing:
Typology: 2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization: UM PEF - Faculty of Education
Publisher: [L. Ježovnik]
UDC: 398.2(497.431)(043.2)
COBISS: 23329800 Link will open in a new window
Views: 1536
Downloads: 242
Average score: 0 (0 votes)

Other data

Secondary language: English
Secondary title: The Stories of the Lower Savinja Valley
Secondary abstract: In this master's thesis, the region of the Lower Savinja Valley is presented through selected short prose texts. The plots of the stories collected and presented have either taken place in the Lower Savinja Valley or have been preserved and narrated in this region. The methods of work have been selected according to the type of the master's thesis, which is theoretical. The theoretical part describes the short literary types that appear in the selected texts (fables, fairy tales and anecdotes). The Lower Savinja Valley is also presented from a historical, geographical and social point of view. The eighty-three selected stories of the Lower Savinja Valley, which can be classified as intangible cultural heritage and youth literature, are presented and analysed in the main body of the thesis. The stories are ordered according to their literary space. It was found that the selected short prose texts very clearly reflect the past ways of life and the habits of the people of the Lower Savinja Valley. The literary spaces of the selected stories are presented through historically, naturally or geographically interesting places in the region, while the main literary characters are presented by the members of lower and upper classes, saints and various mythical creatures. Nowadays, many adults and young people, and even those who live in the immediate vicinity of the places where the stories unfold are unfamiliar with most of the selected stories. Being as much a part of us as of our society, old stories are important and should be preserved and told to our future generations.
Secondary keywords: master theses;fables;fairy tales;legends;anecdotes;Lower Savinja Valley;mythical creatures;
Type (COBISS): Master's thesis/paper
Thesis comment: Univ. v Mariboru, Pedagoška fak., Oddelek za razredni pouk
Pages: 133 f.
ID: 10859951