(diplomsko delo)
Žan Uremovič (Author), Anton Koželj (Mentor), Sonja Turnšek (Co-mentor)


Namen diplomskega dela je bil opisati ureditev nujne medicinske pomoči v Slovenski vojski, njeno kakovost in organiziranost nujne medicinske pomoči v modernem vojskovanju. Za odgovor na raziskovalni vprašanji smo uporabili deskriptivno metodo. Ugotovili smo, kako je nujna medicinska pomoč organizirana, njeno delovanje znotraj Slovenske vojske ter v Nemških oboroženih silah. Izpostavili smo ključne elemente standardov zdravstvene oskrbe Severnoatlantskega zavezništva. Če vojske dosegajo te standarde, lahko izvajajo kvalitetne zdravstvene storitve in s tem povečajo možnost preživetja poškodovanih ali obolelih. Treba je omeniti, da se nujna medicinska pomoč v vojni močno razlikuje od nujne medicinske pomoči v miru. Opisali smo tudi vrste medicinskih evakuacij, njihovo vlogo in pomen na bojišču. Izpostavili in opisali smo prevozna sredstva, ki se uporabljajo v te namene. Prav tako so izrednega pomena izvajalci zdravstvene oskrbe, ki morajo biti ustrezno izurjeni, imeti morajo primerno izobrazbo ter biti v stiku z sodobno prakso. Dolžni so se držati načel vojaške doktrine in standardov. Nemške oborožene sile smo v diplomski nalogi primerjali s Slovensko vojsko, da bi ugotovili njeno kakovost pri ureditvi nujne medicinske pomoči. Primerjali smo organiziranost, usposobljenost nosilcev zdravstvene oskrbe, prevozna sredstva in načine evakuacije. Prav tako smo primerjali skladnost s standardi Severnoatlantske zveze pri Nemških oboroženih silah in Slovenski vojski.


zdravstvena oskrba;vojaško zdravstvena enota;vojaške zdravstvene ustanove;slovenska vojska;NATO;


Language: Slovenian
Year of publishing:
Typology: 2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization: UM FZV - Faculty of Health Sciences
Publisher: [Ž. Uremovič]
UDC: 614.2:616-083.98
COBISS: 2359716 Link will open in a new window
Views: 976
Downloads: 114
Average score: 0 (0 votes)

Other data

Secondary language: English
Secondary title: Emergency medical service in modern warfare and its current organization in slovenian armed forces
Secondary abstract: The purpose of the diploma thesis was to describe the emergency medical assistance in the Slovenian Armed Forces – its quality and the organization of urgent medical assistance in modern warfare. In order to answer the research questions, we used a descriptive method. We learnt how urgent medical help is organized; we discussed its role within the Slovenian Armed Forces and also in the German Armed Forces. We highlighted the key elements of the health care standards of the North Atlantic Alliance. If armies meet the outlined standards, they are able to assure quality health services and consequently increase the chances of survival of injured or ill. We should indicate that emergency medical assistance in war differs greatly from urgent medical assistance in peace. We also described types of medical evacuations, their role and significance on the battlefield. We highlighted and described the means of transport that are used in an emergency evacuation. The healthcare providers are equally important. They need to be adequately trained, obtain a suitable education, and keep in touch with the contemporary practice. They are obliged to obey the principles of military doctrine and standards. In this diploma thesis the Slovenian Armed Forces were compared to German Armed Forces to assess the quality of the Slovenian Armed Forces in terms of the emergency medical assistance. We compared the organization, the qualifications of health care providers, the means of transport and the methods of evacuation. We also compared the compliance with the standards of the North Atlantic Treaty in German Armed Forces and the Slovenian Armed Forces.
Secondary keywords: health care;military medical unit;military medical institutions;Slovenian Armed Forces;NATO;
Type (COBISS): Bachelor thesis/paper
Thesis comment: Univ. v Mariboru, Fak. za zdravstvene vede
Pages: IV, 39 f.
ID: 10860165