diplomsko delo
Andrej Bolčina (Author), Ivo Pahole (Mentor), Tomaž Vuherer (Co-mentor), Mihael Deželak (Co-mentor)


V diplomskem delu je teoretično predstavljen postopek izsekovanja, s katerim so bile opravljene meritve z namenom analiziranja zaznave obrabe rezalnega roba. Najprej je proces opredeljen med postopki preoblikovanja, predstavljena je plastična deformacija, posamezne faze med procesom, nanj vplivni parametri ter obstojnost orodja v praksi. Obrabljenost rezalnih robov na izsekovalnem orodju je bila simulirana in merjena med procesom z merilnimi lističi za merjenje deformacij, z zvočnim senzorjem in senzorji za tlak, temperaturo in silo. Izsekana pločevina je bila analizirana pod mikroskopom. Posamezne faze izsekovanja so razpoznavne pri vseh analiziranih rezultatih. Z večjo obrabljenostjo se povečajo deformacije na matrici, amplitudna nihanja zvočnih frekvenc se okrepijo, poveča se skrček pločevine, v strižni ploskvi nastanejo jamice, na robu izseka pa nastane srh. Z opravljeno analizo se usmeri nadaljnje raziskovanje.


izsekovalno orodje;rezalni rob;obraba;kvaliteta procesa;analiza meritev;diplomske naloge;


Language: Slovenian
Year of publishing:
Typology: 2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization: UM FS - Faculty of Mechanical Engineering
Publisher: [A. Bolčina]
UDC: 621.178.16:621.961.02(043.2)
COBISS: 21262358 Link will open in a new window
Views: 960
Downloads: 93
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Other data

Secondary language: English
Secondary title: Detection analysis of wearing out on the cutting edge of a punching tool
Secondary abstract: The process of cutting, by which some measurements were performed in order to analyze the detection of the wear of the cutting edge, is presented theoretically in the diploma thesis. First, the process is defined during the procedures of processing. Plastic deformation is presented. Individual phases of the process and the parameters that influence it are presented. The durability of tools in practice is presented. Wear of the cutting edges of the cutting tool was simulated and measured during the process by means of strain gauges for measuring deformations, by means of a sound sensor, and by means of pressure, temperature and force sensors. The cut metal sheet was analyzed under the microscope. Individual phases of cutting are distinct in case of all the analyzed results. Increased wear increases deformations of the matrix, amplitude oscillations of sound frequencies strengthen, sheet metal shrinkage increases, the sheer surface is dimpled, and dross emerges on the edge of the cut-out. By means of the performed analysis, the following research is directed.
Secondary keywords: punching tool;cutting edge;wear;process quality;measurements analysis;
Type (COBISS): Bachelor thesis/paper
Thesis comment: Univ. v Mariboru, Fak. za strojništvo, Proizvodne tehnologije in sistemi
Pages: IX, 48 f.
ID: 10860556
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