(magistrsko delo)
Sonja Deučman (Author), Mateja Lorber (Mentor), Gregor Štiglic (Co-mentor)


Izhodišča: Magistrska naloga podaja vpogled v pomembnost organiziranja in izvajanja astma šol. Edukativen pomen je videti v boljšem počutju bolnikov, njihovi sigurnosti glede ukrepanja v primeru poslabšanja bolezni, znanj o svoji bolezni kakor tudi dejavnikov, ki jo sprožijo in zdravil, ki jih uporabljajo. Namen magistrskega dela je ugotoviti odnos bolnikov do bolezni in njihove navade oziroma dejanja, s katerimi si pomagajo pri lajšanju simptomov in opredeliti koncept zdravstveno vzgojnega dela medicinske sestre pri bolnikih z astmo, kakor tudi prikazati pomen zdravstveno vzgojnega dela za zdrav življenjski slog. Metode: V empiričnem delu naloge je uporabljena kvantitativna metodologija raziskovanja, kot raziskovalni instrument pa je uporabljen delno strukturiran anketni vprašalnik. Izsledki raziskave so analizirani in predstavljeni s programom SPSS. Uporabili smo univariantno analizo za deskriptiven prikaz sociološko-demografskih podatkov in bivariantna statistična testa za preverjanje hipotez. Za hipotezo 1 smo uporabili χ2-test, za hipotezo 2 pa Pearsonov koeficient korelacije. Raziskava je zajela 202 udeleženca. Rezultati: Ugotovili smo, da obstaja močna pozitivna povezava med ukrepanjem v primeru poslabšanja bolezni med tistimi udeleženci ki so obiskali astma šolo in tistimi, ki tega niso storili (χ2 (2) = 44,5, p < 0,001). Največ udeležencev v primeru poslabšanja bolezni ukrepa, da si poveča odmerek predpisanega zdravila; udeleženci v astma šoli (81,1 %) in anketiranci, ki se niso udeležili astma šole (37,3 %). Udeležba v astma šoli je neznatno linerarno povezana z pravilno uporabo vdihovalnika in ni statistično značilna (r= 0,092, p = 0,194). Ugotovili smo, da je 97,6 % udeleženih v astma šoli pridobilo dodatna znanja v zvezi z boleznijo. 96,9 % sodelujočih trdi, da ima zaradi astma šole boljši nadzor nad boleznijo. Sklep: Pokazali smo pomen astma šole glede ukrepanja v primeru poslabšanja bolezni in ugotovili, da bolnikom posreduje pomembno znanje. Ugotovili smo, da je znanje pravilne uporabe vdihovalnikov pri vseh anketirancih enako, kar kaže na kakovost dela v primarnem zdravstvenem varstvu.


astma;astma šola;zdravstveno vzgojno delo;medicinske sestre;promocija zdravja;


Language: Slovenian
Year of publishing:
Typology: 2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization: UM FZV - Faculty of Health Sciences
Publisher: [S. Deučman]
UDC: 616.248:613:37
COBISS: 2361252 Link will open in a new window
Views: 1394
Downloads: 204
Average score: 0 (0 votes)

Other data

Secondary language: English
Secondary title: Educational work with asthma patients
Secondary abstract: Introduction: The master's thesis gives an insight into the importance of organizing and implementing asthma of schools. Educational significance is seen in patients' well-being, their safety in dealing with disease aggravation, knowledge of their illness, as well as the factors that trigger them and the medicines they use. The purpose of the master's thesis is to determine the attitude of patients to illness and their habits or actions to help them relieve symptoms and define the concept of nurse health education work in patients with asthma, as well as to show the importance of health education work for a healthy lifestyle. Methods: The quantitative methodology of research was used in the empirical part of the task, and a partially structured questionnaire was used as a research instrument. The results of the research are analyzed and presented with the SPSS program. We used a univariant analysis for the descriptive representation of sociological demographic data and a bivariate statistical test for the verification of hypotheses. For hypothesis 1, the χ2-test was used, and for the hypothesis 2 the correlation test (Pearson correlation coefficient). The survey covered 202 participants. Results: We found that there is a strong positive link between action in the event of a worsening of the disease among those who attended asthma and those who did not do it (χ2 (2) = 44,5, p <0,001). Most participants in the event of a worsening of the disease take measures to increase the dose of the prescribed medicine; Participants in asthma school (81.1%) and respondents who did not attend school asthma (37.3%). Participation in asthma of the school is slightly linerrelated to the proper use of the inhaler and is not statistically significant (PC = 0.092, p = 0.194). We showed that 97.6% of those involved in asthma gained additional knowledge of the disease. 96.9% of respondents claim that the asthma of the school has better control of the disease. Conclusion: Wedemonstrated the importance of the school's asthma in taking action in the event of a worsening of the disease and found that it gave important knowledge to patients. We have found that the knowledge of correct use of inhalers in all respondents is the same, which is reflected in the quality of work in primary health care.
Secondary keywords: asthma;asthma school;health education;nurses;health promotion;Health education;Asthma;Zdravstvena vzgoja;Astma;
Type (COBISS): Master's thesis/paper
Thesis comment: Univ. v Mariboru, Fak. za zdravstvene vede
Pages: VI, 50 f., 4 f. pril.
ID: 10860727