delo diplomskega projekta
Sanja Dobranič (Author), Andreja Primec (Mentor)


Diplomski projekt obravnava dokaj novo razsežnost javnega naročanja v RS, in sicer elektronsko javno naročanje, ki ga ureja Zakon o javnem naročanju (ZJN-3). Postopki javnega naročanja se bodo pretežno izvajali v elektronski obliki na podlagi postopne implementacije sistema za elektronsko javno naročanje v vseh fazah naročanja. Naloga javnih naročil je, da pripomorejo h gospodarski rasti države, z informatizacijo postopkov pa Ministrstvo za javno upravo želi povečati transparentnost javnega naročanja in lokalizirati (omejiti) korupcijska tveganja. V diplomskem projektu bomo precizno predstavili področje javnega naročanja v Evropski uniji in Republiki Sloveniji. Pri tem se bomo omejili na implementacijo sistema elektronskega naročanja v slovenski pravni red, ki bo v celoti veljal šele od aprila 2018. Šele po tem datumu bo obligatorna elektronska oddaja ponudb za vse naročnike. Cilja diplomskega projekta sta vpogled v slovenski trg javnih naročil s poudarkom na elektronskih naročilih in izvedba primerjalnega prikaza elektronskih javnih naročil v izbranih članicah Evropske unije.


javna naročila;elektronsko poslovanje;zakonodaja;Slovenija;Evropska unija;


Language: Slovenian
Year of publishing:
Typology: 2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization: UM EPF - Faculty of Economics and Business
Publisher: [S. Dobranič]
UDC: 35:004
COBISS: 12902684 Link will open in a new window
Views: 1270
Downloads: 190
Average score: 0 (0 votes)

Other data

Secondary language: English
Secondary title: Implementation of electronic public procurement in the European Union and the Republic of Slovenia
Secondary abstract: The matter of the project is a quite new area of electronic public procurement in The Republic of Slovenia. Currently we can find this field under the Slovenian Public Procurement Act (PPA-3). Our goal is to bring the procedure of public procurement and the gradual implementation of the electronic public procurement system to a higher level. Public procurement procedures are going to be carried out mostly in electronic form based on the gradual implementation of the electronic public procurement system at all stages of procurement. The function of public procurement is to improve the economic growth of the country while the Ministry of public administration wants, with the computerization of procedures, to benefit the transparency of public procurement and localize (limit) corruption risks. In the project, we will precisely present the field of public procurement in the European Union and the Republic of Slovenia. We will limit ourselves to the implementation of the electronic procurement system in the Slovenian legal order, which will be fully available in April 2018. Only after that date, the electronic submission of offers will be obligatory for all subscribers. The goals of the project are to provide an insight into the Slovenian public procurement market, focusing on electronic procurement, and to compare the electronic public procurement in selected member states of The European Union.
Secondary keywords: Public procurement;electronic public procurement;Public Procurement Act;European Union;Republic of Slovenia;tenderers.;
Type (COBISS): Diploma project paper
Thesis comment: Univ. v Mariboru, Ekonomsko-poslovna fak.
Pages: 40 str.
ID: 10860874