diplomsko delo univerzitetnega študija Organizacija in management informacijskih sistemov
V diplomski nalogi smo predstavili proces vzpostavitev sistema digitalnega oglaševanja za privatno glasbeno šolo. Glasbena šola nima veliko razpoložljivih sredstev, zato išče promocijske kanale, ki so poceni in tudi učinkoviti. Večina glasbenih šol ima problem pridobivanja novih strank oziroma učencev, zato smo pred začetkom poslovanja glasbene šole ustvarili spletno stran ter profile na družbenih omrežjih. Cilj glasbene šole je večja prepoznavnost na trgu ter pridobitev novih strank, kar bi dosegli z digitalnim oglaševanjem. Opisali smo možnosti oglaševanja preko družbenih omrežij ter kako izdelati uporabnikom vabljivo spletno stran. Preden smo začeli izdelovati spletno stran, smo analizirali konkurenco ter izdelali arhitekturo spletne strani. Spletno stran smo ustvarili s pomočjo WAMP-strežnika in s sistemom za upravljanje vsebin Wordpress. Po objavi spletne strani in družbenih omrežij na spletu bo Google Analytics omogočal merjenje in spremljanje obiskov. Možnost nadaljnjega razvoja vidimo v izpopolnjevanju spletne strani in družbenih omrežij, predvsem pa v učinkovitejšem oglaševanju glede na statistiko merjenja Google Analyticsa.
glasbena šola;Wordpress;spletna stran;
Language: |
Slovenian |
Year of publishing: |
2017 |
Typology: |
2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis |
Organization: |
UM FOV - Faculty of Organizational Sciences |
Publisher: |
[M. Petrovič] |
UDC: |
004.42 |
Views: |
684 |
Downloads: |
98 |
Average score: |
0 (0 votes) |
Metadata: |
Other data
Secondary language: |
English |
Secondary title: |
Implementation of digital marketing for music school |
Secondary abstract: |
In the thesis, we presented the process of establishing a digital advertising system for a private music school. The music school does not have many resources; therefore, it is looking for promotional channels, which are cheap and effective. The majority of music schools has troubles with the acquisition of new clients or students; therefore, we designed a website and social network profiles prior to the beginning of the music school’s business activities. The goal of the music school is greater visibility on the market and the acquisition of new clients, which we would achieve with digital advertising. We described the possibilities of advertising through social networks and how to design a user-friendly website. Prior to designing the website, we analysed the competition and prepared the website architecture. We created the website with the help of a WAMP-server and with the content management system Wordpress. After the publishing of the website and social network profiles on the web, Google Analytics will allow us to measure and follow the visits. Possibilities for further development are in upgrades of the website and social network profiles, but particularly in effective advertisement according to the statistics of Google Analytics. |
Secondary keywords: |
Music School;Wordpress;Website;Social Media;Google Analytics;Digital Marketing; |
URN: |
Type (COBISS): |
Bachelor thesis/paper |
Thesis comment: |
Univ. v Mariboru, Fak. za organizacijske vede |
Pages: |
47 f. |
ID: |
10861050 |