soft power v mednarodni skupnosti
Maruša Marinič (Author), Ernest Petrič (Mentor)


V magistrskem delu z naslovom Evropska unija - soft power v mednarodni skupnosti: moč in nemoč skupne zunanje in varnostne politike smo preučili delovanje EU in njene SZVP. Evropska unija vodi svojo lastno zunanjo in varnostno politiko, ki jo je postopoma razvila skozi desetletja in ji omogoča, da v svetovnih zadevah nastopa in ukrepa enotno. 28 držav članic EU ima tako zaradi skupnega nastopa v svetu večjo težo in pomen, kot če bi vsaka posamezno vodila svojo ločeno politiko. Mehka moč je opredeljena kot moč, ki temelji na silah privlačnosti. Zanimalo nas je, kaj je tisto, kar dela EU privlačno za druge, in kaj je tisto, s čimer EU v mednarodni skupnosti uveljavlja svoje vrednote, interese in cilje. Na kratko smo se dotaknili teme o mednarodnih odnosih in opisali teorije. Nato smo prešli na koncept moči: na trdo, mehko in pametno moč. V osrednjem delu naloge smo predstavili delovanje SZVP, pisali o sredstvih prisiljevanja, vlogi kulture in kulturnih razlikah ter vlogi človekovih pravic v zunanji politiki. Nato smo nekaj besed namenili prihodnosti EU, s čimer smo odprli vprašanje, ali SZVP resnično deluje; ali so torej države članice del svoje suverenosti dejansko prenesle na institucije EU. Zanimalo nas je tudi, kako se EU odziva na krizne situacije, kar smo preučili na dveh primerih. Preučili smo odziv EU na krizne razmere v Libiji in odziv na ukrajinsko krizo. V zadnjem delu naloge smo se dotaknili tudi odziva javnosti v povezavi z evroskepticizmom, ki je v ospredje stopil šele z volitvami v Evropski parlament leta 2014, in se na podlagi celotnega magistrskega dela vprašali še o prihodnosti EU.


mednarodni odnosi;varnostna politika;mehka moč;človekove pravice;Evropska unija;magistrske naloge;bolonjski program;


Language: Slovenian
Year of publishing:
Typology: 2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization: FDŠ
Publisher: [M. Marinič]
UDC: 327EU(043.2)
COBISS: 1024543585 Link will open in a new window
Views: 5358
Downloads: 205
Average score: 0 (0 votes)

Other data

Secondary language: English
Secondary abstract: In master's thesis titled The European Union - soft power in the international community: the power/strength of the Common Foreign and Security Policy, I have examined the functioning of the European Union (EU) and its Common Foreign and Security Policy (CFSP). The European Union conducts its own foreign and security policy which has gradually evolved over decades, that enables it to act in unison in World Affairs. As a result of joint participation, 28 European Union Member States have more weight and importance in the world, as if each individual state led its own separate policy. Soft power is defined as a power, which is based on forces of attraction. I was searching for an answer that explains what makes the European Union attractive to others and in what way the union promotes its values, interests and goals in the international community. Briefly, I have touched the topic of international relations and described different theories. Then, I have moved to the concept of power: hard, soft and smart power. As the most significant part of my thesis, I have presented the functioning of the CFSP, wrote about the means of coercion, the role of culture and cultural differences and the role of human rights in foreign policy. In the last chapter, I have devoted a few words to the European Union's future, with which I have opened the question if CFSP really works; whether Member States might have actually transferred part of its sovereignty to the EU Institutions. In addition, I have cross-examined how European Union responds to crises, considering its response in crisis situations in Libya as well as to the Ukrainian crisis. In the last part of my dissertation I have addressed an issue about the response of the public in conjunction with Euroscepticism, which has stepped at the forefront after the European Parliament elections in 2014.
Type (COBISS): Master's thesis/paper
Thesis comment: Fak. za državne in evropske študije
Source comment: Mag. delo 2. stopnje bolonjskega študija;
Pages: V f., 140 str.
ID: 10861142
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