
S plazmami modificiramo površinske lastnosti različnih materialov, tudi tekstilnih. Na površine lahko uvedemo dodatne ali nove funkcionalne skupine, jih prevlečemo s tankimi polimernimi filmi ali očistimo. V naši raziskavi smo z nizkotlačno amoniakovo plazmo obdelovali PA 6 folijo ter ovrednotili dosežene modifikacije površine v odvisnosti od časa obdelave (od 7 do 540 s). Z merjenjem stičnega kota smo ugotavljali izboljšanje hidrofilnosti površin, s potencialom zaradi pretoka smo spremljali spremembe površinskega naboja, z elektronsko spektroskopijo (XPS) smo analizirali kemijsko sestavo površin, z mikroskopijo atomskih sil (AFM) pa smo raziskovali topografijo površin. Rezultati so pokazali, da so modifikacije odvisne od časa obdelave. Pri obdelavi PA 6 z NH3 plazmo dosežemo boljšo omočljivost, saj se stični koti zmanjšajo. Z daljšim časom obdelave na površini PA 6 nastaja vedno več funkcionalnRih skupin, ki vsebujejo dušik, kar se poleg povečane vsebnosti dušika na površini folije kaže tudi v premiku izolektrične točke (IET) k višjim ph vrednostim. Največji premik IET smo zasledili pri foliji, ki smo jo obdelovali 20 s (od ph 4,2k 6,2). če je čas obdelave daljši, plazma v večji meri uniči površino, pri čemer se odstranjujejo razgradni delci, za to se vsebnost dušika zmanjša, stični koti se nekoliko povečajo in IET se pomakne nazaj k nižjim ph vrednostim (k ph 5,6 pri času obdelave 180s). AFM slike neobdelanih in obdelanih folij so pokazale, da se zaradi obdelave številnejši in večji, srednja hrapavost pa se zato poveča iz 4nm (neobdelan vzorec) na 13,6 nm (čas obdelave 540s).


tekstilna vlakna;poliamid 6;površinska modifikacija;NH3 plazma;amino skupine;zeta potencial;stični kot;XPS;AFM;


Language: Slovenian
Year of publishing:
Typology: 1.01 - Original Scientific Article
Organization: UM FS - Faculty of Mechanical Engineering
UDC: 677.494.675.016/.017
COBISS: 7181078 Link will open in a new window
ISSN: 0351-3386
Parent publication: Tekstilec
Views: 1016
Downloads: 146
Average score: 0 (0 votes)

Other data

Secondary language: English
Secondary title: Modifications of PA 6 achieved by $NH_3$ plasma
Secondary abstract: Plasmas are widely used to modify surface properties of various materials, including textiles. Additional or new groups are introduced to the surfaces, or the surfaces, or the surfaces are coated with thin polymer films or special plasma cleaning of surfaces is carried out. This work deals with low pressure NH3 plasma treatment of PA 6 foils and the evaluation of surface modification as a function of treatment time (7 to 540s). The introduced functionalities were observed by contact angle measurements (assessment of wettability), streaming potential measurements (surface charge), XPS analysis (nature of introduced functionalities), and AFM (surface topography). The results show that achieved modifications depend on treatment time. NH3 plasma improves wettability of PA 6 reducing the contact angles. The introduction of N-containing groups is increasing with longer treatment time. The nitrogen content on the foil's surface is increased and the isoelectric point (IEP) is shifted toward higher ph values. The biggest shift of IEP was found when the treatment time was 20 s (from ph of 4,2 toward ph of 6,2). With longer treatment time, the negative plasma effect of surface destruction prevails over the positive effect of the introduction of functional groups. The nitrogen content, therefore, is reduced, contact angles are increased and IEP is shifted toward ph of 5,6 (treatment time of 180s). AFM images of non-treated samples show that plasma treatment causes loose debris on the surface, which become more numerous and larger with longer treatment time. Themean roughness is increased from 4nm (non-treated sample) to 13,6 nm (treatment time of 540s).
Secondary keywords: textile fibres;polyamide 6;surface modifications;NH3 plasma;amino groups;zeta potential;contact angle;XPS;AFM;
Type (COBISS): Scientific work
Pages: str. 61-68
Volume: ǂLetn. ǂ45
Issue: 3/4
Chronology: 2002
ID: 10861188