Bruno Završnik (Author)


V prispevku je predstavljen del raziskave o uporabi marketinškega komuniciranja v oblačilni industriji v Sloveniji. Ugotoviti smo želeli, kako naša tekstilna podjetja uporabljajo instrumente marketinškega komuniciranja za prestavitve svojih izdelkov oz. blagovnih znamk. Raziskava je potrdila, da se sestava komunikacijskega spleta v slovenski oblačilni industriji bistveno ne razlikuje od sestave komunikacijskega spleta, kot jo navajajo priznani avtorji s tega področja v svetu. Oglaševanje je izpostavljeno kot najpomembnejši instrument komuniciranja v skupni analizi slovenske oblačilne industrije, sledi osebna prodaja, pospeševanje prodaje in odnosi z javnostmi. Dejstvo pa je, da imajo naša tekstilna podjetja premalo lastnih blagovnih znamk, ki bi jih lahko promovirala na domačem in tujem trgu. Marketinško komuniciranje opravi svojo funkcijo in pripomore k uspešnosti poslovanja podjetja šele takrat, ko ima podjetje kakovostno in modno zasnovano kolekcijo oblačil, ustrezne cene izdelkov in učinkovito distribucijo.


oblačilna industrija;moda;marketing;trženje;tržno komuniciranje;oglaševanje;Slovenija;


Language: Slovenian
Year of publishing:
Typology: 1.01 - Original Scientific Article
Organization: UM EPF - Faculty of Economics and Business
UDC: 339.138:687(497.4)
COBISS: 8155420 Link will open in a new window
ISSN: 0351-3386
Parent publication: Tekstilec
Views: 1008
Downloads: 80
Average score: 0 (0 votes)

Other data

Secondary language: English
Secondary title: ǂThe ǂmarketing communication in the clothing industry in Slovenia
Secondary abstract: This article presents the part of marketing communication research in the clothing industry in Slovenia. The aim of our research was how our textile company's used marketing communication mix for promotion products and brands. The research confirms that the structure of marketing communications mix in the sample of clothing industry in Slovenia doesn't deviate from the one, proposed the eminent authors from this field in the world. The research found that advertising is one of the most important instruments of marketing communications mix in the clothing industry in Slovenia. Also important are personal selling and sales promotion as well as public relations. However, Slovenian textile company's haven't enough own brand name for promotion at domestic and foreign markets. It should be emphasized that a collection of quality and fashionably designed clothes, appropriate prices of products and appropriate distribution are the preliminary condition for functional marketing communication contributing to an efficient company.
Secondary keywords: fashion;clothing industry;fashion clothes;fashion marketing;brand name marketing communications;advertising;Slovenia;
Type (COBISS): Scientific work
Pages: str. 104-112
Volume: ǂLetn. ǂ48
Issue: ǂšt. ǂ4/6
Chronology: 2005
ID: 10861207