delo diplomskega seminarja
Samantha Žogan (Author), Duško Uršič (Mentor)


Danes, v tem hitro razvijajočem se času, ki ustvarja hiter tempo in močno konkurenco, se marsikatero podjetje sooča s težavami. Zato se je pojavila potreba po zaposlovanju uspešnih managerjev. Uspešni manager ni vsak, ki se je malo poučil o tem, ampak mora imeti določene lastnosti, izkušnje in znanja, da lahko uspešno pomaga podjetjem iz težav in jih naredi konkurenčne drugim. Eden pomembnih dejavnikov v managementu je vodenje – tej funkciji se daje vedno več pomena. Vedno več avtorjev poudarja, da je treba vodenje opredeliti kot samostojno funkcijo, ne le kot eno izmed štirih funkcij managementa. Vodenje je vpliv na ljudi, na njihovo obnašanje. Zato morajo uspešni vodje dobro poznati človeško vedenje in lastnosti. Vodje imajo v različnih situacijah različne vloge, ki so pomembne za uspešno izvajanje nalog in doseganje ciljev organizacije. Morajo jih znati prilagajati. Ni vsak manager uspešen manager, kot tudi ni vsak vodja uspešen vodja. Biti moramo seznanjeni z različnimi načini vodenja in s tem, kakšen stil je potrebno uporabiti v trenutni situaciji. Skozi diplomski seminar smo prišli do sklepa, da je treba vzpostaviti ravnotežje med managementom in vodenjem podjetja. Oba sta zelo pomembna za uspešnost podjetja in obema moramo dati enakovreden pomen.




Language: Slovenian
Year of publishing:
Typology: 2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization: UM EPF - Faculty of Economics and Business
Publisher: [S. Žogan]
UDC: 005
COBISS: 12942620 Link will open in a new window
Views: 976
Downloads: 136
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Other data

Secondary language: English
Secondary title: Manager and leaderhip of a company
Secondary abstract: Today, in this rapidly developing fast-paced time of strong competition, many companies face difficulties. Therefore, the need for recruiting successful managers has emerged. A successful manager is not someone who has merely learnt a thing or two about the subject but someone who possesses certain characteristics, experience and knowledge that enable him to successfully help businesses solve their problems and make them competitive. One important factor in management is leadership  this function is becoming increasingly important. More and more authors emphasize that leadership should be defined as an independent function, not just as one of the four management functions. Leadership is an influence on people, on their behavior. Therefore, successful leaders need to be well aware of human behavior and characteristics. In different situations, leaders have different roles that are important for successful task performance and achievement of the organization’s goals. They must know how to adjust them to those situations. Not every manager is a successful manager, as well as not every leader is a successful leader. We need to recognize the different ways of leadership and determine which style is to be used in the current situation. Through the graduation project paper we came to the conclusion that a balance should be established between the management and the leadership of the company. Both are very important for the company’s success and both need to be considered as of equal significance.
Secondary keywords: manager;management;leader;leadership;leadership models;leadership styles;
Type (COBISS): Diploma project paper
Thesis comment: Univ. v Mariboru, Ekonomsko-poslovna fak.
Pages: 44 str.
ID: 10861560
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