delo diplomskega seminarja
Sanja Selič (Author), Miroslav Rebernik (Mentor)


V diplomskem seminarju obravnavamo teorijo o notranjem podjetništvu, njegovo opredelitev in njegov razvoj. Nadaljujemo z različnimi pristopi za uvajanje notranjega podjetništva v podjetju ter značilnostmi notranje podjetniškega okolja. V empiričnem delu, ki temelji na analizi podatkov anketnega vprašalnika, je predstavljeno izbrano podjetje Elektroinstalacije in trgovina Anton Selič s.p.. Osnovni namen je z raziskavo ugotoviti prisotnost notranjega podjetništva na različnih področjih v podjetju, pri zaposlenih preveriti kakšne so možnosti in pripravljenost za notranje podjetništvo v podjetju ter v kolikšni meri podjetje že ima karakteristike za notranje podjetništvo. Problem podjetja je, zaposleni nimajo interesa pa tudi ne spodbud za notranje podjetniško udejstvovanje, vizija podjetja in strategije niso jasne, organizacijska struktura pa ne omogoča uspešnega izvajanja notranje podjetniške kulture. Na podlagi rezultatov smo predstavili predloge za vpeljavo notranjega podjetništva v podjetju. Predlogi vključujejo podporo vodstva, ki že ima dobre karakteristike za uspešno implementacijo notranjega podjetništva, boljšo in bolj jasno vizijo, spremembo organizacijske strukture in razvoj ustreznega okolja.


notranje podjetništvo;vizija;poslovno okolje;inovativnost;management;


Language: Slovenian
Year of publishing:
Typology: 2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization: UM EPF - Faculty of Economics and Business
Publisher: [S. Selič]
UDC: 005.2
COBISS: 104931587 Link will open in a new window
Views: 222
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Other data

Secondary language: English
Secondary title: Level of corporate entrepreneurship in selected company
Secondary abstract: In this diploma seminar we discuss the theory of intrepreneurship, its definition and its development. Furthermore we continue with various approaches for introducing intrepreneurship in the company and the characteristics of the intrepreneurship environment. The empirical part based on the analysis of the survey questionnaire in the selected company Elektroinstalacije in trgovina Anton Selič s.p. is presented. The main purpose is to find out the presence of corporate venturing in various fields within the company to check employees' possibilities and readiness for intrepreneurship in the company and if the company already has a characteristic of internal entrepreneurship. The problem of the company is that the employees have no interest but also no incentives for intrepreneurship, the vision of the company and the strategy are not clear and the organizational structure does not enable the successful implementation of the intrepreneurial culture. Based on the results, we presented proposals for the introduction of corporate venturing in the company. The proposals include support from management which already has good characteristics for successful implementation of intrepreneurship, a better and clearer vision, a change in the organizational structure and the development of an appropriate environment.
Secondary keywords: intrepreneurship;clear vision;inovation;appropriate environment;management;
Type (COBISS): Final seminar paper
Thesis comment: Univ. v Mariboru, Ekonomsko-poslovna fak.
Pages: VII, 33 str., 8 str. pril.
ID: 10861561