magistrsko delo
Sebastjan Krajnc (Author), Robert Repnik (Mentor), Milan Ambrožič (Co-mentor)


Splošna teorija relativnosti je že skoraj stoletje nazaj napovedala obstoj gravitacijskih valov, vendar nam je šele razvoj tehnologije omogočil neposredno opazovanje njegovega fizikalnega vpliva. Ta dosežek ni le ponovno potrdil splošne teorije relativnosti, temveč nam je podal revolucionaren način pridobivanja informacij na področju astrofizike, neodvisno od spektra elektromagnetnega valovanja, s čimer smo nazadnje pridobili tudi nov vidik razumevanja številnih astrofizikalnih objektov in procesov ter razvoja zgodnjega vesolja. Za odkritje obstoja gravitacijskih valov je bilo izkazano precejšnje zanimanje, tudi s strani širše javnosti, saj je bilo njihovo odkritje izpostavljeno v različnih medijih. Mladoletniki, na katere imajo mediji prav največji vpliv, pogosto iščejo dodatne informacije o aktualni temi, bodisi s samostojnim raziskovanjem ali pri svojem učitelju (v tem primeru učitelju fizike). Učni načrt fizike za gimnazijo ne vsebuje vsebin v zvezi z odkritjem in opisom gravitacijskih valov, zato bi bilo treba za vsaj osnovno razumevanje tega kompleksnega pojava dijakom zagotoviti ustrezno fizikalno predznanje v obliki poglobitve ali dopolnitve nekaterih učnih vsebin. S kvalitativnim raziskovalnim pristopom je bilo ugotovljeno, da je učni načrt za fiziko fleksibilen v tolikšni meri, da ob uvodni poglobitvi in dopolnitvi nekaterih vsebin omogoča zadostno fizikalno predznanje, potrebno za razumevanje vsebin o gravitacijskih valovih, v okviru vsebinsko nerazporejenih ur pa celo v formalnem smislu omogoča njihovo obravnavo. Veljavnost in učinkovitost tega spoznanja sta bili preverjeni z didaktičnim eksperimentom.


magistrska dela;gravitacijski valovi;splošna teorija relativnosti;učni načrti za fiziko;didaktični eksperiment;


Language: Slovenian
Year of publishing:
Typology: 2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization: UM FNM - Faculty of Natural Sciences and Mathematics
Publisher: [S. Krajnc]
UDC: 37.091.3:53(043.2)
COBISS: 23369480 Link will open in a new window
Views: 990
Downloads: 83
Average score: 0 (0 votes)

Other data

Secondary language: English
Secondary title: Teaching about gravitational waves at physics in slovenian gymnasiums
Secondary abstract: The general theory of relativity proposed the existence of gravitational waves almost a hundred years ago, however it was only the development of technology that enabled the direct observation of their physical influence. This achievement not only confirmed the general theory of relativity, but it also offered the revolutionary way of obtaining information in the field of astrophysics, independently of the electromagnetic wave spectrum. This gives us a new view in the understanding of several astrophysical objects and phenomena as well as the development of early Universe. The discovering of gravitational waves led to a great interest, even by worldwide public, since this event has been exposed in different media. Teenagers who are strongly influenced by public media often tend to seek for additional information about the actual topic, either by individual efforts, or by the help of their teacher (in our case physics teacher). The curriculum for physics in gymnasium doesn't contain the topics connected with gravitational waves, therefore, it would be necessary to ensure the adequate physical initial knowledge for students, in the way of deepening and supplementing some school contents, so that at least some basic comprehension of this phenomenon can be assured. With the help of a qualitative research approach, it was found that the curriculum for physics is flexible enough that with the initial deepening and complementation of some of the contents, it provides sufficient physical knowledge necessary for understanding the contents of gravitational waves, and within the unaddressed hours even in the formal sense allows them to deal with. The validity and effectiveness of this concept was verified by a didactic experiment.
Secondary keywords: master theses;gravitational waves;general theory of relativity;curriculum for physics;didactic eksperiment;
Type (COBISS): Master's thesis/paper
Thesis comment: Univ. v Mariboru, Fak. za naravoslovje in matematiko, Oddelek za fiziko
Pages: VI, 91 f., [63] f.
ID: 10861575