magistrsko delo
Nastja Trstenjak (Author), Matjaž Tratnik (Mentor)


Varstvo človekovih pravic je v Evropi prepuščeno dvema organizacijama, to sta Svet Evrope, kot že od nekdaj ključni akter na področju človekovih pravic ter Evropska unija, ki na začetku svojega obstoja človekovim pravicam ni naklanjala posebne pozornosti, saj je bil prvotni smisel integriranja v njenem okviru predvsem gospodarski, temu pa je drugače danes, saj varstvu človekovih pravic daje vse več pomena. Naloga magistrskega dela je bila predvsem predstaviti vse vidike varstva človekovih pravic s strani obeh organizacij ter razmerje pristojnosti med njima. Vsaka od teh organizacij ima svoj dokument človekovih pravic, to sta Evropska konvencija o človekovih pravicah ter Listina EU o temeljnih pravicah, pri čemer se pravice, ki so v dokumentih zapisane bolj ali manj prekrivajo. Prav tako pod okriljem vsake organizacije deluje lastno sodišče, in sicer Evropsko sodišče za človekove pravice pod okriljem Sveta Evrope in Sodišče Evropske unije pod okriljem Evropske unije. V preteklosti sta ti najpomembnejši evropski sodišči delovali eno mimo drugega. Medtem ko se je ESČP vse bolj uveljavljalo kot najpomembnejši varuh človekovih pravic v Evropi, je luksemburško sodišče stremelo h kontinuirani graditvi Evropske unije, še zlasti na ekonomskem področju. Pozneje se je Sodišče EU v vse večji meri začelo ukvarjati tudi s človekovimi pravicami in sprejeti so bili akti, na podlagi katerih tudi EU zagotavlja njihovo varstvo. Ker se je zavedanje o pomembnosti varstva pravic tudi znotraj EU začelo vse večati, so se začele pojavljati ideje o pristopu EU k Evropski konvenciji o človekovih pravicah. Ideja se je začela uresničevati z Lizbonsko pogodbo, ki je določila pravno podlago za možnost priključitve in pristop omogočila. Kmalu po njenem sprejemu so se začela med Svetom Evrope in EU pogajanja, ki so pripeljala do sporazuma in osnovan je bil osnutek pogodbe o pristopu. Ko je SEU odločalo o njegovi skladnosti s Pogodbama, je ugotovilo nezdružljivost s pravom EU in pristop je bil začasno odložen. Ker pa omenjen pristop v skladu s Pogodbo o Evropski Uniji za EU ni samo možnost, temveč obveza, se bodo pogajanja v prihodnosti morala zaključiti v obliki, ki bo skladen s pravom EU in bo upošteval posebno naravo njenega pravnega reda. Na podlagi tega EU ne bo imela popolnoma enakega položaja kot ga imajo druge države podpisnice, saj je bil namreč Svet Evrope doslej le zveza držav. S tem, ko bi naj h Konvenciji pristopila nadnacionalna sui generis organizacija, se je odprlo specifično pravnopolitično vprašanje, na katerega bo uspešno odgovorjeno takrat, ko bo dorečen način, na podlagi katerega bo v Evropi prišlo do okrepljenega, skladnega ter kar je najpomembneje, učinkovitega varstva človekovih pravic. Magistrsko delo obravnava zgoraj opisano, pri čemer je vsako poglavje bilo poskušano obravnavati v luči učinkovitega varstva pravic, saj pravica per se brez, da bi stanju de iure sledila ustrezna realizacija v praksi, kot vemo, ne bi imela pomena.


temeljne pravice;človekove pravice;učinkovito sodno varstvo;nadnacionalno sodno varstvo;Svet Evrope;Evropska Unija;Evropska konvencija o človekovih pravicah;Evropska socialna listina;Listina EU o temeljnih pravicah;Evropsko sodišče za človekove pravice;Sodišče Evropske Unije;Evropski komisar za človekove pravice;Evropski varuh za človekove pravice;Agencija EU za človekove pravice;pristop Evropske Unije k Evropski konvenciji za človekove pravice;magistrska dela;


Language: Slovenian
Year of publishing:
Typology: 2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization: UM PF - Faculty of Law
Publisher: N. Trstenjak]
UDC: 342.7:061.6(043.3)
COBISS: 5491499 Link will open in a new window
Views: 3784
Downloads: 434
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Other data

Secondary language: English
Secondary title: Protection of human rights - EU and Council of Europe
Secondary abstract: The work of protecting human rights in Europe is divided between two organizations. Council of Europe and the European Union. Council of Europe has a long reputation of being a key component in the field of human rights protection. The European Union, on the other hand, did not devote a special attention to human rights protection at the beginning of its existence, due to economic integration priorities, but nowadays it's giving more and more importance to human rights protection. The goal of this master's thesis was to present all aspects of human rights protection from both aforementioned organizations and to expose the jurisdiction proportions between them. Both Council of Europe and the European Union have their own protection of human rights documents, namely European Convention on Human Rights and EU Charter of Fundamental Rights, in which the majority of rights defined are overlapping. Council of Europe, as well as the European Union, both have dedicated law courts operating as parts of the organizations. European Court of Human Rights (ECHR) under the Council of Europe and Court of Justice of the European Union (CJEU) under the European Union. In the past, those two courts did not operate collaboratively, since the ECHR was strongly evolving the field of human rights protection, while the CJEU was, at the time, focused mostly on the continuous growth of European Union, especially in economics. Later, CJEU has also begun to raise the importance of human rights in its program, by introducing and accepting the protection of human rights acts. By growing the awareness of how important the protection of human rights is, the idea of EU joining the European Convention was born. The realization of this idea has begun with the Treaty of Lisbon, which has laid the legal foundation and enabled the EU to join the European Convention. Soon after the Treaty of Lisbon was accepted, the negotiations between Council of Europe and the European Union have begun, which led to a consensus and a written draft. Soon after, the CJEU found some incompatibilities with the European Union law, based on the Treaty on European Union (TEU) and Treaty on the Functioning of the European Union (TFEU), and the joining was delayed. But since the joining of the EU to the European Convention is an actual requirement, based on the Treaty on European Union, the future negotiations will have to come to a conclusion which will comply with the EU law and respect the special nature of its legal order. Because the Council of Europe is a federation of countries, the EU will not have the same position as other signatory countries, after the joining takes place. The notion of supranational sui generis organization joining the European Convention arose the specific legal-political question, which will be successfully answered only after the plan for a strong, compliant, and most importantly, efficient protection of human right is clearly defined. This master's thesis focuses on topics mentioned above, with every chapter presented in light of effective protection of human rights, because the right per se, following state de iure, without an adequate realization in practice is meaningless.
Secondary keywords: Fundamental rights;human rights;effective judicial protection;transnational judicial protection;Council of Europe;European Union;European Convention on Human Rights;European Social Charter;EU Charter of Fundamental Rights;European Court of Human Rights;Justice of the European Union;European Commissioner for Human Rights;European Ombudsman;EU joining the European Convention for human rights.;
Type (COBISS): Master's thesis/paper
Thesis comment: Univ. v Mariboru, Pravna fak.
Pages: VII, 67 str.
ID: 10862920