delo diplomskega projekta
Ana Sevšek (Author), Simona Sternad (Mentor)


Verjetno smo se že vsi kdaj ustavili v kakšni pisarni in se zagledali v kup papirja. Gospa za pisalno mizo je po navadi morala prestaviti kup papirja, da nas je sploh lahko videla. Takšne pisarne dandanes izumirajo. Živimo v času, ko je potreba po hitri in takojšnji dostopnosti do dokumentov nuja. Podatki in dokumenti morajo biti na voljo kjerkoli in kadarkoli, saj le tako lahko sledimo konkurenci. Zato večina podjetij že uporablja sistem za brezpapirno poslovanje. S problemom papirnega poslovanja se srečujemo tudi v kadrovskih službah, pri izvajanju rednih letnih razgovorih. Diplomski projekt smo razdelili na dva dela. V prvem teoretičnem delu bomo opredelili pojem brezpapirno poslovanje, si pogledali kako uvajamo brezpapirno poslovanje v podjetje, kateri so ponudniki brezpapirnega poslovanja na trgu, opredelili prednosti in slabosti uvedbe brezpapirnega poslovanja ter razlike med klasičnim in elektronskim dokumentom. V drugem delu bomo spoznali pojem redni letni razgovor, opredelili njegov namen in cilje, spoznali kako poteka in kako ga arhiviramo. V drugem delu diplomskega projekta bomo spoznali rešitev na področju kadrovanja – SuccessFactors. Na koncu bomo poznali prednosti, ki jih pridobimo z uvedbo rednega letnega razgovora v rešitvi SuccessFactors.


letni razgovori;brezpapirno poslovanje;elektronski dokumenti;informacijske rešitve;


Language: Slovenian
Year of publishing:
Typology: 2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization: UM EPF - Faculty of Economics and Business
Publisher: [A. Sevšek]
UDC: 004.77:005.95/.96
COBISS: 12911132 Link will open in a new window
Views: 874
Downloads: 84
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Other data

Secondary language: English
Secondary title: Implementation of paperless annual interview in the case of solution SuccessFactors
Secondary abstract: We have probably all stopped at an office at some point in our lives and there we saw a bunch of paper. The lady behind the desk had to move piles of that paper so she could even see us. Such offices are nowadays in extinction. We live in a time where the need for a quick and immediate documents is urgent. Data and documents should be available anywhere at any time, as this is the only way to keep up with competition. Therefore most companies is already using a system for a paperless management. We are also facing a problem of paper management in human resource services in carrying out regular annual interviews. The diploma project is divided into two parts. In the first theoretical part we will define the concept of paperless business, we will look at how the paperless business is imported into the company, which are the offerers of the paperless business on the market, we will define the pros and cons of the introduction of the paperless business into the company and we will get to know the differences between the classic and electronic documents. In the second part we will get to know the concept of a regular annual interview, define its purpose and its goals, we will get to understand how it works and how we archive it. We will also learn about the solutions in the field of human resources – SuccessFactors. In the end we will know the benefits that we gain by introducing a regular annual interview into the SuccessFactors solutions.
Secondary keywords: paperless operations;implementation of paperless operations;electronic and classic documents;regualr annual interview;SuccessFactors;
Type (COBISS): Diploma project paper
Thesis comment: Univ. v Mariboru, Ekonomsko-poslovna fak.
Pages: II, 33 str.
ID: 10862947