pregled literature
Mojca Čolnik (Author), Darja Ovijač (Reviewer), Marija Milavec Kapun (Mentor), Lucija Roblek (Co-mentor)


Uvod: Religija in duhovnost sta vedno igrali pomembno vlogo v človekovem življenju in zdravju. Današnja globalizirana družba povzroča potrebo po zavedanju in znanju o tem, koliko in kaj posameznikom v določenih situacijah pomenijo versko-kulturne vrednote, kar je še posebno pomembno v zdravstveni negi, saj spoštovanje in upoštevanje verskih potreb in njihovega prenosa na življenjske aktivnosti med zdravstveno obravnavo vplivata na kakovost oskrbe pacientov. Namen: Namen diplomskega dela je ugotoviti in predstaviti najpomembnejša dejstva med verskimi prepričanji hindujskih pacientov na splošno ter elemente hinduistične veroizpovedi, ki bi medicinskim sestram omogočile religiozno kompetentno in s tem celostno obravnavo v zdravstveni negi. Osredotoča se na kontekst zdravljenja ter zdravja in umiranja. Preučili bomo vpliv vere na zdravje in zdravljenje v hinduizmu. Metode: V diplomskem delu smo uporabili deskriptivno metodo s tematskim pregledom literature. Vključitveni kriteriji pri iskanju so bili članki z letnicami izida med 2005 in 2017, napisani v angleškem jeziku in dostopni v celotnem obsegu besedila. Literatura je bila iskana s ključnimi besedami v bibliografskih podatkovnih bazah CINAHL, MEDLINE in ScienceDirect. Rezultati: V rezultatih smo po glavnih vidikih življenja predstavili življenjske aspekte ter vrednote, na katere v veliki meri vpliva hinduistična veroizpoved. Z opisom in razlago delov življenja hindujcev je medicinskim sestram lažje razumeti njihove potrebe in vrednote. Avtorji navajajo predvsem pomen komunikacije. Razprava in zaključek: Poznavanje in razumevanje pacienta hinduistične veroizpovedi s strani medicinskih sester vodi v hitrejše iskanje rešitev v razhajanjih in sklepanje kompromisov, ki pripomorejo k večji profesionalnosti zdravstvene nege, ter v prvi vrsti koristijo pacientom. Pomembno je, da medicinske sestre razumejo in upoštevajo hindujska prepričanja in verske obrede pacientov ob pojavu bolezni, umiranju in koncu življenja, da lahko v tem težkem času nudijo podporo pacientom in njihovi družini. Zaradi raznolikosti verovanj hindujcev je pomembno, da medicinske sestre povprašajo paciente in družine o njihovih navadah in potrebah. Najpomembnejše orodje pri tem je ustrezna komunikacija, elementi slednje za prepoznavanje in ocenjevanje religioznih potreb pacienta pa so pristop s spoštovanjem, razumevanjem, občutljivostjo in celovitostjo.


diplomska dela;zdravstvena nega;medicinske sestre;zdravstvena obravnava;religiozne kompetence;duhovnost;zdravje;


Language: Slovenian
Year of publishing:
Typology: 2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization: UL ZF - University College of Health Studies
Publisher: [M. Čolnik]
UDC: 616-083
COBISS: 5300075 Link will open in a new window
Views: 3115
Downloads: 863
Average score: 0 (0 votes)

Other data

Secondary language: English
Secondary title: Hinduism in nursing
Secondary abstract: Introduction: Religion and spirituality have always played an important role in human life and health. Today's globalized society raises the need for awareness and knowledge about how much and what religious and cultural values mean to an individual in certain life situations, which is especially important in nursing care, because respecting and acknowledging religious needs and their transfer to life activities during medical treatment, affect the quality of patient care. Purpose: The purpose is to present the elements of Hindu religion, which will enable nurses to provide religiously competent, comprehensive care, and to identify and present the most important facts among the religious beliefs of Hindu patients in general. We will focus on the context of treatment, health and dying, and examine the impact of religion on health and healing in Hinduism. Methods: A descriptive method with a systematic, thematic literature review was used. Inclusion criteria for the search were articles with years of outcome between 2005 and 2017, written in English and available in the full text. Literature was searched in databases CINAHL with full text, MEDLINE and ScienceDirect. Results: In the results we presented life aspects and values of a potential patient, largely influenced by the Hindu religion. With the description and explanation of parts of the Hindu lifestyle, we wanted to highlight the differences between the Hindu and the Western way of life, in order to facilitate the understanding of the needs and values of the Hindu patient by the nurse. The authors cite the importance of communication Discussion and conclusion: Knowing and understanding the patient of a Hindu religion by a nurse leads to a faster search for solutions to divergences and compromises that make work easier, and in the first place benefit the patient. It is important that nurses understand and take into account Hindu beliefs and rituals in the event of illness, dying and end of life, in order to be able to support the patient and his family during this difficult time. Because of the diversity of Hindu beliefs, it is most important that the nurse does not assume about the patient's religious needs, but asks the patient and the family about their habits and needs. The most important tool in this is the appropriate communication, the most important elements of comminication for identifying and evaluating the patient's religious needs by a nurse are an approach with respect, understanding, sensitivity and integrity.
Secondary keywords: diploma theses;nursing care;nurses;medical treatment;religious competences;spirituality;health;
Type (COBISS): Bachelor thesis/paper
Study programme: 0
Thesis comment: Dipl. delo (bolonjski študij), Univ. v Ljubljani, Zdravstvena fak., Oddelek za zdravstveno nego
Pages: 37 str.
ID: 10863322