magistrsko delo na študijskem programu 2. stopnje UM
Alenka Pirc (Author), Nataša Šuman (Mentor), Zoran Pučko (Co-mentor)


BIM pristop h graditvi je vse bolj razširjen v svetu in v Sloveniji predvsem v visokih gradnjah, gradnjah mostov in cest, veliko manj pa pri gradnji kanalizacijskih sistemov. Zato v magistrskem delu obravnavamo 3D, 4D in 5D informacijsko modeliranje projekta (ang. Building Information Modeling – BIM) in način operativnega vodenja projekta na primeru izgradnje kanalizacijskega sistema v občini Krško. Končni rezultat dela je izdelan 3D BIM model v programu Urbano, izvožen v program 4BUILD, kjer je nadgrajen v 4D in 5D BIM model. Na izdelanem modelu je nato informativno prikazana možnost uporabe programa za operativno vodenje aktivnosti na gradbišču. V ta namen smo v teoretičnem delu magistrskega dela podali teoretične osnove o informacijskem modeliranju, razširjenosti uporabe po svetu in v Sloveniji ter pri načrtovanju infrastrukturnih projektov. Prav tako smo predstavili strokovno literaturo o stroškovnem in terminskem planiranju ter o vodenju projekta v fazi gradnje objekta. V aplikativnem delu smo na podlagi projekta za izvedbo s programsko opremo Urbano in 4BUILD izdelali 3D, 4D in 5D BIM model kanalizacijskega sistema v Krškem. V programu 4BUILD smo tudi prikazali uporabnost pri vodenju gradbiščne dokumentacije. V diskusiji in zaključku smo strnili povzetek procesa, prednosti in pomanjkljivosti, ki smo jih opazili tekom informacijskega modeliranja BIM modela.


informacijsko modeliranje objekta;kanalizacijski sistem;3D BIM model;4D BIM model;5D BIM model;operativno vodenje projekta;magistrske naloge;


Language: Slovenian
Year of publishing:
Typology: 2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization: UM FGPA - Faculty of Civil Engineering, Transportation Engineering and Architecture
Publisher: [A. Pirc]
UDC: 004:628.24(043.2)
COBISS: 20952598 Link will open in a new window
Views: 1064
Downloads: 145
Average score: 0 (0 votes)

Other data

Secondary language: English
Secondary title: Comprehensive information modeling for a construction project of the sewage system in Krško
Secondary abstract: The BIM approach to construction is increasingly wide spreading in the world and in Slovenia, especially in high rise buildings, bridges and road construction, but much less in the construction of sewage systems, with which we deal with in the master thesis, therefore our master thesis deals with the 3D, 4D and 5D building information modeling (BIM) and the operational management methods for a construction project of the sewage system in the municipality of Krško. The final result of the master thesis is the 3D BIM model created in the Urbano software, exported to the 4BUILD software where is upgraded to the 4D BIM model and to 5D BIM model. The model is then used for demonstrating the possibilities that 4BUILD software is providing for the operational management of construction site. Therefor in the theoretical part of the master thesis we are presenting the theoretical basics of building information modeling, the widespread use in the world, in Slovenia and in the process of planning infrastructure projects. We are also presenting literature about cost and time planning and the management of the project during the construction phase of the building. In the application part of our master thesis we created 3D, 4D and 5D BIM models of a sewage system in Krško in Urbano and 4BUILD softwares that support BIM process. In the 4BUILD software we also demonstrated the usefulness for managing the construction site documentation. In the discussion and conclusion, we summarized the process and presented the advantages and disadvantages that were identified during the information modeling of the BIM model.
Secondary keywords: building information modeling;BIM;sewage system;3D BIM model;4D BIM model;5D BIM model;operational management of the project;
Type (COBISS): Master's thesis/paper
Thesis comment: Univ. v Mariboru, Fak. za gradbeništvo, prometno inženirstvo in arhitekturo, Gradbeništvo
Pages: XVIII, 303 str., [9] str. pril.
ID: 10863345