delo diplomskega projekta


Tema diplomskega projekta je zavzetost zaposlenih v podjetju Agencija Mori, d. o. o. Glavna obravnavana tematika se dotika zavzetosti, zadovoljstva in motivacije zaposlenih v omenjenem podjetju. Ugotavljali smo, kaj zaposlene najbolj motivira pri delu, kaj bi spremenili ter kakšna je njihova zavzetost za delo glede na obstoječe dejavnike, ki so trenutno prisotni v podjetju. Podjetje mora v današnjem času paziti, kakšen odnos ima do zaposlenih, če želi biti uspešno in rastoče. Najboljši zaposleni je tisti, ki opravlja zadane naloge, je odgovoren, teži k temu, da ima podjetje čim boljše rezultate, ter hkrati dosega svoje zadane cilje, ki mu predstavljajo smisel za delo oz. motivacijo. Takšnega zaposlenega mora vsako podjetje izoblikovati in mu ponuditi čim več ugodnosti in motivov za delo. Podjetje, ki se zaveda, da mora nekaj vložiti v svoje zaposlene (v smislu nagrad, priznanj, izobraževanj, druženj vseh zaposlenih itd.), bo zagotovo imelo motiviran in posledično delovno zavzet kolektiv. V teoretičnem delu smo podrobneje predstavili pomen zavzetosti zaposlenih ter predstavili modele za njihovo merjenje. Pomembna ugotovitev je bila, da mora biti zaposleni najprej motiviran, šele nato je lahko zavzet za delo. V tem delu smo tudi pregledali motivacijske teorije ter podrobneje predstavili nekaj vsebinskih in procesnih teorij. V empiričnem delu smo dali največji poudarek analizi rezultatov raziskovalnega vprašalnika. V podjetju smo izvedli raziskavo s pomočjo anketnega vprašalnika, čigar rezultate smo grafično prikazali. Pri analizi smo na podlagi sodelujočih oz. zaposlenih ugotovili, da ima podjetje Agencija Mori, d. o. o., motivirane in delovno zavzete zaposlene, ki imajo svoje delo radi in se ob njem napolnijo z energijo. Posledično ima podjetje zavzete zaposlene in vodstvo podjetja se zaveda, kako pomembno je, da so zaposleni zadovoljni tudi v svojem zasebnem življenju, zato jim pomaga, da dosežejo tudi svoje osebne cilje.


management človeških virov;motivacijske teorije;zadovoljstvo;zadovoljstvo zaposlenih;zaposleni;


Language: Slovenian
Year of publishing:
Typology: 2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization: UM EPF - Faculty of Economics and Business
Publisher: [K. Seršen]
UDC: 331.101.3
COBISS: 12913948 Link will open in a new window
Views: 1112
Downloads: 141
Average score: 0 (0 votes)

Other data

Secondary language: English
Secondary title: Commitment of employees in the company Agencija Mori
Secondary abstract: The subject of my dissertation is Employee commitment in the company Agencija Mori. The main topic is the commitment, satisfaction and motivation of employees in the company, in which I work myself. We found out what employees motivate most at work, what they would change, and how they are motivated to work according to the current factors that are currently present in the company. Nowadays, the company has to watch what kind of attitude it has to employees if it wants to have a successful and growing company. The most ideal employee is the one who performs the tasks assigned to him, is responsible, strives to achieve the best possible results, and at the same time achieves his / her own goals, which represent the sense of work or work. motivation. Such an employee must formulate each company and offer it as many benefits and motivations as possible. A company that is aware that something can invest in its employees, for example, rewards, recognition, education, socializing of all employees, etc., will have a motivated and, consequently, a collective engagement. In the theoretical part we presented in detail the significance of the commitment of employees and presented the models for measuring it. An important finding was that initially the employees must be motivated, and only then they can be committed to work. In this work we also examined the motivational theories and presented some of the substantive and process theories in more detail. In the empirical part, the main subject discussed was the analysis of the results of the research questionnaire. In the company, we carried out a survey using a survey questionnaire, the results of which were graphically depicted. In the analysis, on the basis of the employees involved, we found that MORI Agency has motivated and working people who have their own work and are filled with energy. The result of such results - that the company has a committed employee, it is certain that the company's management is aware of the importance of employees being satisfied in their private lives and helping them to achieve their personal goals.
Secondary keywords: commitment of employees;motivational theories;employee satisfaction;human resources management;employees;
Type (COBISS): Diploma project paper
Thesis comment: Univ. v Mariboru, Ekonomsko-poslovna fak.
Pages: II, 36 f..
ID: 10863361
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