delo diplomskega projekta


Diplomsko delo predstavlja opredelitev poslovnih modelov, njihove sestavne dele ter s pomočjo orodja za izdelavo poslovnega modela opisuje poslovni model na primeru podjetja MK DOGODKI. S Kanvasom poslovnega modela, ki sta ga Osterwalder in Pigneur predstavila v svoji knjigi leta 2010 in metodo »Delaj vitko«, ki jo je kasneje iz Kanvasa izpeljal Ash Maurya, prikaže sestavine poslovnega modela podjetja, opiše njegovo delovanje in vlogo v današnjem podjetniškem svetu. Opredeli vse vidike Kanvasa poslovnega modela ter opisuje prednosti in slabosti le-tega v primerjavi z Vitkim okvirjem. Naloga opiše tudi postopke razvoja poslovnega modela in postopek implementira tudi na primeru podjetja. Podjetje predstavi tudi s SWOT analizo, ki jo kasneje vpelje v poslovni model, razloži pomembnost poznavanja poslovnega modela iz vidika podjetnika in pojasni posledice, ki lahko nastanejo v primeru podjetnikove izgube »rdeče niti« oz. smisla delovanja podjetja. V sklepnem delu so predstavljene ugotovitve glede primernosti ene in druge metode, opiše pomen podjetništva v gospodarstvu in razloži vzajemno delovanje poslovnega modela glede na gospodarsko situacijo ter pojasni odvisnost podjetnika začetnika ali obstoječega podjetnika od dobrega poslovnega modela.


poslovni modeli;vitki okvir;Kanvas;SWOT analiza;podjetništvo;


Language: Slovenian
Year of publishing:
Typology: 2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization: UM EPF - Faculty of Economics and Business
Publisher: [M. Koražija]
UDC: 334.722:005.52
COBISS: 12947996 Link will open in a new window
Views: 1949
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Other data

Secondary language: English
Secondary title: Business model development on a case of company MK DOGODKI, MATIC KORAŽIJA s.p.
Secondary abstract: The thesis entitled presents the definition of business models, their components, and describes the business model with the help of the tool for creating a business model on the case of the company MK DOGODKI. With the canvas of the business model presented by Osterwalder and Pigneur in his book in 2010 and the "Lean canvas method, which was later produced by Ash Maurya, it presents the components of the business model of the company, describes its performance and role in today's entrepreneurial world. Defines all aspects of the business model's canvas and describes the advantages and disadvantages of canvas in comparison with a “lean canvas”. The task describes the procedures for the development of the business model and also implements the procedure on the example of the company. The company also presents SWOT analysis, which it later implements into a business model, explains the importance of knowing the business model from the point of view of the entrepreneur, and explains the consequences that can arise in the case of an entrepreneur's loss of the "red thread" The concluding part presents the findings regarding the suitability of one method and the other, describes the importance of entrepreneurship to the economy and explains the interaction of the business model according to the economic situation and explains the dependence of the entrepreneur, who’s start up, or the existing entrepreneur on a suitable business model.
Secondary keywords: business model;canvas;lean canvas;SWOT analysis;enterpreneurship;
Type (COBISS): Diploma project paper
Thesis comment: Univ. v Mariboru, Ekonomsko-poslovna fak.
Pages: III, 40 str.
ID: 10863369
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