diplomsko delo


V teoretičnem delu sem opisala različne vrste izgub oseb, na katere je bil navezan otrok. Opredelila sem faze žalovanja, razumevanje pojma smrti pri različno starih otrocih in običajne reakcije otrok, ko izvedo za izgubo ljubljene osebe. Opisala sem, kako lahko otroku olajšamo stisko ob izgubi ljubljene osebe in česa naj ne bi storili, ko otrok doživi take vrste izkušnjo. Velik del sem posvetila sodelovanju med starši in vrtcem, kjer sem se osredotočila tudi na to, kako lahko druge otroke pripravimo na sprejem žalujočega otroka v oddelek. V raziskavo sem vključila pet staršev, katerih otroci so izgubili ljubljeno osebo, in pet diplomiranih vzgojiteljic, ki so že imele žalujočega otroka v oddelku. S starši in vzgojiteljicami sem izvedla intervjuje in ugotovila, da vsi intervjuvani starši podpirajo vključitev vzgojiteljic v žalovanje otroka. Večina intervjuvanih staršev je tako vključevanje vzgojiteljev pogrešala. Starši sami niso dajali pobude, ker so se soočali s svojim žalovanjem in v takih trenutkih se niso čutili kompetentne, da vzgojiteljice obremenjujejo s tem. Vsi intervjuvani starši so se z otroki pogovorili o dogodku in o izgubi, ki jo je otrok utrpel. Izbrali so način, ki je bil njim v tistem trenutku najbolj blizu. Na drugi strani se večina intervjuvanih vzgojiteljic čuti kompetentne za vključitev v proces žalovanja pri otroku, vendar se samoiniciativno nobena izmed intervjuvanih vzgojiteljic ni aktivno vključila v proces žalovanja otroka v svojem oddelku. Iz raziskave je razvidno, da se vzgojiteljice pogovora o smrti dotaknejo priložnostno oz. če se v oddelek vključi žalujoči otrok. Nobena od intervjuvanih vzgojiteljic pa tematike ni obravnavala pred dogodkom oz. pred sprejetjem žalujočega otroka v skupino. Vse intervjuvane vzgojiteljice so poučene, da obstaja otroška literatura z omenjeno tematiko, uporabili pa sta jo le dve od petih vzgojiteljic. Ena vzgojiteljica ni obravnavala teme smrti v oddelku ne pred dogodkom ne po dogodku, ker otroka nista kazala znakov stiske in ju ni želela po nepotrebnem vznemirjati. Naknadno pa je ugotovila, da če bi ji narava sama ponudila možnost v obliki mrtve živali ipd., pa bi zagotovo izkoristila situacijo za pogovor o smrti.


tabu teme;žalovanje;izguba bližnje osebe;razumevanje smrti;žalost;


Language: Slovenian
Year of publishing:
Typology: 2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization: UL PEF - Faculty of Education
Publisher: [C. Gogala]
UDC: 373.2:159.942(043.2)
COBISS: 11681097 Link will open in a new window
Views: 842
Downloads: 200
Average score: 0 (0 votes)

Other data

Secondary language: English
Secondary title: The childʹ s experience of death in preschool period
Secondary abstract: In a theoretical part of my research work different ways of the loss of someone very near and dear to a child are described. The stages of a griefprocess, the understanding of death among children of different ages and their common reactions when learning the person who they loved dearly died have been defined. A great deal of my research work focuses on showing the interaction of parents and nursery school teachers and on the ways of prepairing children to accept the grieving child properly. Five parents whose child experienced the loss of someone he loved and five nursery schoolteachers who have already had a grieving child in their classes were included in the research. While interviewing them it became obvious to me that all the interviewed parents were supporting the idea of involving the teachers in helping the grieving child to process his grief. Nevertheless the majority of the interviewed parents missed such an involvement of the teachers. Parents went through their own grief and did not feel competent to trouble them with their own grieving. All of the interviewed parents discussed the loss with their child in a way that seemed the most appropriate at the time. On the other hand most of the nursery school teachers feel competent enough to help a child through grief but none of them actually got involved without being asked by parents or other caregivers. The research makes it obvious the nursery teachers occasionally talk to their children about death, specially when a grieving child is included in a class. None of them had discussed the topicof death and grief before the actual loss occured or before the grieving child was included into her class. All of them are aware of the childrenʹs literature discussing death and grief but only two of five have actually used it. One of the nursery teachers has never discussed the theme of death with children, neither before nor after the event took place because she has never observed the symptoms of destress developed in children and consequently she did not wish to upset them. Later she found out she would certainly discuss the topic of death and grief with them if a chance to find, for instance, a dead animal occured.
Secondary keywords: pre-school child;death;predšolski otrok;smrt;
File type: application/pdf
Type (COBISS): Bachelor thesis/paper
Thesis comment: Univ. v Ljubljani, Pedagoška fak., Predšolska vzgoja
Pages: 50 str.
ID: 10863547
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