diplomsko delo


V diplomskem delu sem raziskovala odnose med družinskimi člani v času zdravljenja odvisnosti od prepovedanih drog v terapevtski skupnosti Sopotnica. V teoretičnem delu sem najprej opredelila odvisnost in dejavnike tveganja za njen razvoj. Nato sem vso pozornost usmerila k družinskim dejavnikom tveganja za razvoj odvisnosti od prepovedanih drog. Pojasnila sem vlogo družine in kako pomembni so odnosi med njenimi člani za dobro počutje in funkcioniranje znotraj nje. Na koncu sem se dotaknila tudi samega zdravljenja in pri tem izpostavila pomen sodelovanja z družino. Opisala sem tudi program Društva Projekt Človek, njihovo vizijo in cilje, saj sem raziskovalni del diplomske naloge opravljala v terapevtski skupnosti navedene organizacije. Empirični del je osnovan na podlagi intervjujev, ki sem jih izvajala z osebami na zdravljenju. Ugotovitve intervjujev z osebami na zdravljenju o njihovih družinskih odnosih kažejo povezavo z mnogimi teoretičnimi izhodišči. Intervjuvanci so večinoma izpostavljali odnose s starši, saj so v njih videli največji problem. Izkazalo se je, da vsi izhajajo iz družin, v katerih so imeli težaven odnos z vsaj enim od staršev. Zaznala sem, da so osebe na zdravljenju bolj ozaveščene glede tega, kako pomembni so odnosi in kako vplivajo na vsakega posameznika, kot njihovi starši, ki imajo po pripovedovanju intervjuvancev še vedno globoko vkoreninjeno staro družinsko dinamiko. Prav tako se bolje zavedajo napak, ki so jih delali v odnosih tako oni kot njihovi starši.


odvisnost od prepovedanih drog;terapevtska skupnost;sodelovanje družine;odnosi;Društvo Projekt Človek;


Language: Slovenian
Year of publishing:
Typology: 2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization: UL PEF - Faculty of Education
Publisher: [N. Burja]
UDC: 613.8:173(043.2)
COBISS: 11686217 Link will open in a new window
Views: 700
Downloads: 158
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Other data

Secondary language: English
Secondary title: Family relations at the time of rehabilitation of illegal drugs in Therapeutic community Sopotnica
Secondary abstract: In my thesis, I have researched family relationships during treatment from illegal drug addiction in the therapeutic community Sopotnica. In the theoretical part of my work, I firstly defined what the addiction is and its risk factors. Then, the thesis shifted its focus to the risk factors within one’s family that can contribute to the development of a drug addiction. It clarified the role of the family and the importance of relationships among its members for their well-being and well-functioning inside it. At the end, I have addressed the issue of the treatment process itself and highlighted the significance of family co-operation for the person in treatment. I have also described the programme of the Društvo Projekt Človek, their vision and goals, as my empirical part of this work was done in the therapeutic community of this said association. The empirical part of my work is based on several interviews, carried out with persons in treatment. Through interviews about family relations with people in treatment, I have found several links with the theoretical starting points. The interviewees were mostly focusing on relationships with their parents, seeing them as the biggest problem. It turned out that all of them came from families, where they had problems with at least one of the parents. I realised that persons in treatment were more aware of how important relationships are and how they influence them than their parents who, according to the interviewees, still have the old-fashioned family dynamics deeply rooted in them. The rehabilitees were also more aware of the mistakes that their parents and themselves, have made in their relationship.
Secondary keywords: drug addiction;family;medical treatment;zasvojenost;družina;zdravljenje;
File type: application/pdf
Type (COBISS): Bachelor thesis/paper
Thesis comment: Univ. v Ljubljani, Pedagoška fak., Socialna pedagogika
Pages: 37 str.
ID: 10863560
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