izbrane vrste rib, njihov socio-ekonomski pomen in mogoči vpliv na ekosistem Jadranskega morja
Leo Šamanić (Author), Jasna Štrus (Mentor)


Namen diplomskega dela je obdelati pomembno tematiko opaženih novih ribjih vrst v Jadranskem morju, opisati njihovo biologijo ter raziskati njihov možni vpliv na ekosistem Jadranskega morja. Poudaril bom socio-ekonomski pomen posameznih ribjih vrst. Osredotočil se bom na vpliv klimatskih in antropogenih dejavnikov, ki povzročajo migracije ribjih vrst proti Sredozemskemu in Jadranskemu morju. V diplomskem delu bom poskušal čimbolj približati to zelo pomembno tematiko naseljevanja novih ribjih vrst, ki bodo v prihodnosti močno vplivale na morske ekosisteme in bodo predmet zanimanja strokovnjakov s področja morske biologije in ekologije ter genetike. Dosedanje raziskave o tujerodnih vrstah v Jadranu so bile večinoma usmerjene na sistematiko in taksonomijo alohtonih vrst rib. Nove ribje vrste opažene so tudi v slovenskem delu Jadrana, torej v najsevernejšem delu Jadranskega morja. Prihodnje raziskave novih ribjih vrst v Jadranu bodo pomembne predvsem s socioekonomskega in ekološkega vidika ter z vidika genetike. Nekatere nove ribje vrste so že večkrat opažene v Jadranskem morju in bodo v prihodnosti pomembne ali škodljive s socioekonomskega vidika. Za nekatere nove ribje vrste lahko predvidevamo, kakšen bo njihov vpliv na ekosistem na podlagi posledic, ki so jih opazili, ker so jih spustili v ekosisteme Sredozemskega morja. Klimatske spremembe in antropogeni vplivi bodo v prihodnosti imeli veliko vlogo v razširjanju novih ribjih vrst proti Jadranskemu morju.


ihtiofavna;ribe;ribje vrste;Jadransko morje;klimatske spremembe;migracije rib;invazivne vrste;


Language: Slovenian
Year of publishing:
Typology: 2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization: UL PEF - Faculty of Education
Publisher: [L. Šamanić]
UDC: 597.2/.5(043.2)
COBISS: 11692361 Link will open in a new window
Views: 597
Downloads: 136
Average score: 0 (0 votes)

Other data

Secondary language: English
Secondary title: Changes in Adriatic ichthyofauna : selected species of fish, their socioeconomic relevance and possible influence on ecosystem of Adriatic sea
Secondary abstract: The purpose of this thesis is to examine the salient topic of new fish species found in the Adriatic Sea, describe their biology and possible impact on the ecosystem. I will highlight the socio-economic importance of certain fish species. Furthermore, I will focus on climate impact as well as anthropogenic factors that cause migration in fish species towards the Mediterranean and the Adriatic Sea. Throughout the thesis, I will try to disclose information on the very important topic of settlement of new fish species that will, in turn, affect ecosystems in the future and will consequently be the subject of interest of numerous experts in marine biology, ecology and genetics. Previous research on foreign species in the Adriatic Sea referred mainly to the systematics and taxonomy of allochthonous fish species. New fish species are also found in the Slovenian part of the Adriatic, the northernmost part of the Adriatic Sea. Future research on new fish species in the Adriatic will be important primarily from a socio-economic, ecological and genetic perspective. Some new fish species have been spotted in the Adriatic Sea several times and, in the future, this will be either important or harmful from the socio-economic point of view. For some fish species, we can predict their impact on the ecosystem based on the consequences suffered by the ecosystem of the Mediterranean Sea. Climate change and anthropogenic impact will play a major role in the spread of new fish species toward the Adriatic Sea in the future.
Secondary keywords: zoology;zoologija;
File type: application/pdf
Type (COBISS): Bachelor thesis/paper
Thesis comment: Univ. v Ljubljani, Pedagoška fak., Biotehniška fak., Biologija in kemija
Pages: 32 str.
ID: 10863862
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