diplomsko delo visokošolskega študijskega programa Varnost in policijsko delo
Ula Kočevar (Author), Gorazd Meško (Mentor)


Diplomsko delo obravnava različne vzgojne stile v povezavi z odklonskimi dejanji mladostnikov. V prvem, teoretičnem, delu je predstavljen razvoj od otroka do mladostnika, sledijo poglavja o mladoletniškem prestopništvu, partnerskem odnosu, družini in vzgoji, predstavljena pa sta tudi popustljivi – permisivni vzgojni stil, pri katerem je otrok svoboden in počne, kar hoče, ter povsem nasprotni – avtoritarni oz. represivni vzgojni stil, pri katerem gre za sistem strogih pravil, ki jih mora otrok brezpogojno upoštevati. Diplomsko delo še posebej izpostavlja t. i. »strupeno vzgojo«, katere znake zelo težko opazimo, hkrati pa lahko pušča hude posledice pri otrokovem razvoju, saj starši otroku zapolnijo vse objektivne potrebe, a ne izpolnjujejo njegovih čustvenih potreb, izvajajo besedno nasilje, mu neupravičeno vzbujajo občutek krivde in manipulirajo z njegovimi občutki. V drugem, empiričnem, delu je predstavljena analiza treh intervjujev z mladostniki, ki prestajajo kazen zapora v Zavodu za prestajanje mladoletniškega zapora in kazni zapora Celje. Ugotovili smo, da so bili vzgajani ne le po posameznem vzgojnem stilu, ampak po mešanici permisivnega in avtoritarnega vzgojnega stila ter »strupene vzgoje«, le-ta pa je pri vseh pustila največ posledic pri razvoju in močno prispevala k pojavu odklonskega vedenja intervjuvanih prestopnikov.


mladoletniško prestopništvo;vzgoja;vzgojni ukrepi;kazni;diplomske naloge;


Language: Slovenian
Year of publishing:
Typology: 2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization: UM FVV - Faculty of Criminal Justice
Publisher: [U. Kočevar]
UDC: 343.915(043.2)
COBISS: 3418090 Link will open in a new window
Views: 1033
Downloads: 141
Average score: 0 (0 votes)

Other data

Secondary language: English
Secondary title: The relationship between parenting styles and deviant behaviour of the youth in celje juvenile and adult prison
Secondary abstract: The diploma thesis handles various educational styles related to deviant actions of juveniles. The first part presents a theory about the development from childhood to youth, which is followed by chapters on juvenile delinquency, partnership, family as well as education. It includes a presentation of deterioration that shows the consequence when a child is allowed to do whatever it wants. Furthermore there is a presentation of the opposite education. It is about a permissive educational style that enables a child to be free or to do things on its own way. It`s about an authoritarian or repressive educational style that is defined by a system of strict rules, which needs to be unconditionally obeyed. This thesis especially points out the so called toxic upbringing. The signs can be hardly recognised. It`s extremely negative influence on a child’s development is a natural consequence. It is about parents who fulfil all objective needs for their child, but they fail to fulfil the child`s emotional needs, they carry out verbal violence, cause an unjustified sense of guilt and manipulate their feelings. In the second part, which is empirical is an analysis of three interviews with adolescents serving a juvenile detention in the prison of Celje. It turned out that each of those three adolescents has been educated by a particular educational style, which is a mixture of permissive and authoritarian style as well as toxic upbringing. The analyses clearly show the negative consequences on the development, which is influencing their behaviour in a letter stage. The interviewed behave refusal and denying.
Secondary keywords: juvenile delinquency;permissive educational style;authoritarian educational style;toxic upbringing;family;upbringing;prison.;
Type (COBISS): Bachelor thesis/paper
Thesis comment: Univ. v Mariboru, Fak. za varnostne vede
Pages: VI, 51 str.
ID: 10863870
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