delo diplomskega projekta
Ana Šimenko (Author), Matjaž Iršič (Mentor)


Marketinški splet je skupek marketinških aktivnosti, ki ob dobri analizi in strategiji podjetju pomagajo pri uspešnem poslovanju. Sestavljen je namreč iz elementov, ki so med seboj tesno povezani in drug od drugega tudi odvisni. V teoriji zasledimo kar nekaj možnih kombinacij, od 4P pa do 15P. Najpogosteje pa uporabljamo 7P. V tem diplomskem projektu nas je konkretno zanimalo, kakšne so aktivnosti marketinškega spleta v finančni instituciji. Natančneje: cena, izdelek, ljudje, marketinško komuniciranje, marketinške poti, procesi in fizični dokazi. Te aktivnosti smo tudi v prvem delu opisali in razčlenili, kar nam je služilo kot osnova za nadaljevanje. V drugem delu diplomskega projekta pa je bil naš glavni cilj analizirati podatke, pridobljene s pomočjo intervjuja v izbrani finančni instituciji. S pomočjo intervjuja smo izvedeli, katere izdelke vse ponujajo, katere metode oblikovanja prodajne cene uporabljajo, kako svoje izdelke oglašujejo in pospešujejo prodajo, kako skrbijo za izobrazbo svojih zaposlenih, na katerih lokacijah po Sloveniji lahko najdemo njihove poslovalnice in kakšna je notranja oprema ter kako ugotavljajo želje potrošnikov. S pomočjo teh podatkov smo po točkah razčlenili marketinški splet finančne institucije.


marketinški splet;marketinško komuniciranje;finančne institucije;marketing;komuniciranje;


Language: Slovenian
Year of publishing:
Typology: 2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization: UM EPF - Faculty of Economics and Business
Publisher: [A. Šimenko]
UDC: 339.13
COBISS: 12915996 Link will open in a new window
Views: 840
Downloads: 90
Average score: 0 (0 votes)

Other data

Secondary language: English
Secondary title: Marketing mix analysis in financial institution
Secondary abstract: Marketing mix is a set of marketing activities, which with optimal analysis and strategies help the companies in their successful business. It consists of elements that are dependent on one another and are closely interconnected. In theory we can find several possible combinations - from 4P to 15P. Most commonly we use 7P combination. In the thesis we were particularly interested in defining the activities of marketing mix in a financial institution. More precisely: price, product, people, marketing communication, marketing channels, processes and physical evidence. In the first part, we have described and analysed these activities, which served us as a basis for further research. Our main goal in the second part of the thesis was to analyse the data obtained from interview in the selected financial institution. The results have shown us following facts about the institution: what products do they offer, what methods of pricing do they use, how do they promote their products, what is their sales promotion, how do they provide the education for their employees, how are the processes running within the company, at which locations in Slovenia can we find their offices, what is their interior furniture and how do they determine the wishes of consumers. Using the collected data, we have classified the marketing mix of the financial institution by points.
Secondary keywords: marketing mix;marketing communication;marketing channels;price;product;
Type (COBISS): Diploma project paper
Thesis comment: Univ. v Mariboru, Ekonomsko-poslovna fak.
Pages: II, 37 f.
ID: 10864145