diplomsko delo
Tjaša Leskovšek (Author), Špela Razpotnik (Mentor)


Diplomsko delo se ukvarja z raziskovanjem problematike mladostnikov z izkušnjami migracij in življenja v tujini. Poudarek je predvsem na njihovih prvoosebnih izkušnjah, subjektivnih pogledih, potrebah in težavah, povezanih z vrnitvijo v njihovo izvorno državo – v kontekstu tega diplomskega dela je to Slovenija. V slovenskem prostoru so ti mladostniki precej neraziskana, pogosto tudi spregledana populacija. Posledično se v primerih, ko nastopijo manjše ali večje težave, ne morejo na skoraj nikogar obrniti ter dobiti specifične pomoči in podpore, ki bi ju potrebovali. Namesto tega so pogosto prepuščeni samim sebi. V teoretičnem delu diplomskega dela je najprej govor o migracijah ter umeščenosti otrok in mladostnikov v migracijske kontekste. Nato so predstavljene ugotovitve nekaterih slovenskih, predvsem pa tujih raziskovalcev o fenomenih, povezanih z vrnitvijo migrantov v izvorno državo: o najpogostejših težavah, o posledicah izkušnje (povratnih) migracij na odnos do sebe in do drugih ljudi ter o prednostih življenja v tujini. Temu v empiričnem delu sledijo konkretni primeri doživljanja in mišljenja štirih mladostnikov, ki so se v letu 2016 po življenju v tujini vrnili v Slovenijo. Med njimi je mogoče potegniti več vzporednic. V veliko pogledih so njihove izkušnje in doživljanja tudi zelo podobni tistim, opisanim v literaturi. Hkrati pa so mednarodne izkušnje vsakega izmed njih posebne in svojevrstne, kar močno vpliva na to, kako gledajo na svoje življenje v tujini, na svojo vrnitev v Slovenijo in na svoje življenje zdaj. Nekaterim je v Sloveniji lažje, drugim težje. Med težave, s katerimi se spopadajo, sodijo obratni kulturni šok, težave z občutkom pripadnosti in identiteto, težave, povezane z nadaljevanjem izobraževanja, težave s slovenščino, izgube ljudi, izguba notranjega lokusa kontrole idr. Pri vseh štirih se je ob reševanju težav in prilagajanju na življenje v Sloveniji pokazal velik pomen močne socialne mreže, samopomoči in prepoznavanja vrednosti življenja v tujini.


povratne migracije;obratni kulturni šok;identiteta;žalovanje;viri pomoči;


Language: Slovenian
Year of publishing:
Typology: 2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization: UL PEF - Faculty of Education
Publisher: [T. Leskovšek]
UDC: 314.15-053.81(043.2)
COBISS: 11703881 Link will open in a new window
Views: 667
Downloads: 171
Average score: 0 (0 votes)

Other data

Secondary language: English
Secondary title: Return of adolescents to Slovenia after living abroad
Secondary abstract: The thesis is researching adolescents with experiences of migrations and living abroad. The emphasis is placed primarily on their first-person experiences, subjective views, needs and issues, connected to the return to their country of origin – in the context of this thesis, that is Slovenia. In Slovenia, these adolescents are poorly researched and often overlooked. As consequence, when smaller or bigger problems arise, they often have no one to turn to for specific help and support they need. Instead, they are often left all to themselves. In theoretical part of the thesis, we first take a look at migrations and the place children and adolescents take in migration contexts. Then we are introduced to findings of Slovenian and foreign researchers about the phenomena, connected to the migrants’ return to their country of origin: most common problems, consequences of (return) migration experiences on relationship to oneself and relationships to others and benefits of living abroad. In empirical part of the thesis, this is followed by concrete examples of experiences and thinking of four adolescents, who returned to Slovenia in 2016 after living abroad. It is possible to find many similarities between them. In many ways, their experiences are also very similar to those described in literature. At the same time, the international experiences of each one of them are very special and specific, which has great impact on the way they look at their life abroad, their return to Slovenia and their life now. For some it is easier in Slovenia than for others. Among the problems they are dealing with are reverse culture shock, issues with the sense of belonging and identity issues, issues with continuation of education, problems with Slovenian language, losses of people, the loss of the sense of control over one’s life, etc. In all four cases when dealing with problems and adjusting to living in Slovenia, a great importance of strong social networks, self-help and recognition of the value of living abroad is apparent.
Secondary keywords: migration;young adult;migracija;mlajši odrasli;
File type: application/pdf
Type (COBISS): Bachelor thesis/paper
Thesis comment: Univ. v Ljubljani, Pedagoška fak., Oddelek za socialno pedagogiko
Pages: V, 66 str., [1] str. pril.
ID: 10864359