diplomski projekt
Petra Gračnar (Author), Samo Bobek (Mentor)


Z razvojem interneta in računalniških omrežij se je širilo tudi elektronsko poslovanje. Najprej se je pojavilo v večjih podjetjih, kaj kmalu pa se je začelo uporabljati tudi po šolah, kar je prineslo nove možnosti v samem procesu izobraževanja. S posodabljanjem pouka se je pojavilo tudi več rešitev, ki udeležencem v šolskem procesu omogočajo lažje sodelovanje tudi izven šole. Diplomski projekt opredeljuje elektronsko poslovanje, njegove začetke, vrste, ter prednosti in slabosti. V nadaljevanju smo podrobneje opisali elektronsko izobraževanje, katere prednosti, slabosti in izzive prinaša, ter primerjali kako poteka v ostalih evropskih državah. Opisali smo še posamezne rešitve, ki so se razvile z namenom olajšanja dela, ter raziskali kako dobro osnovnošolci ter srednješolci poznajo in sprejemajo te rešitve.


elektronsko poslovanje;informacijska tehnologija;komunikacijska tehnologija;elektronsko izobraževanje;internet;rešitve;osnovne šole;srednje šole;


Language: Slovenian
Year of publishing:
Typology: 2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization: UM EPF - Faculty of Economics and Business
Publisher: [P. Gračnar]
UDC: 004:37
COBISS: 12943388 Link will open in a new window
Views: 1026
Downloads: 92
Average score: 0 (0 votes)

Other data

Secondary language: English
Secondary title: E-business in primary and secundary schools
Secondary abstract: With the development of the internet and the World Wide Web, electronic commerce itself expanded as well. At first it only appeared in larger companies but shortly afterwards, it started making its ways into schools. This opened up ways for new options and opportunities in the educational process. More solutions also emmerged with the upgrade of the educational system as it allowed the students and their parents to participate even outside the school. This diplomatic work defines the electronic commerce, its begginings, its types and its advantages and disadvantages. In the following, we described the electronic commerce in details, the advantages and disadvantages it brings and compared it with its progression in other European countries. We also described every single solution that had been developed with the goal of taking care of school business as easy as possible. At the same time, we researched how well the students know these solutions and how accepting they are of them.
Secondary keywords: electronic commerce;electronic education;information-communication technology;web;solutions.;
Type (COBISS): Diploma project paper
Thesis comment: Univ. v Mariboru, Ekonomsko-poslovna fak.
Pages: II, 36 str.
ID: 10864536
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