V prispevku so na kratko predstavljeni disleksija in vzroki za njen pojav. Podane so težave oseb z disleksijo. Ena največjih je branje in pri izboljšanju kakovosti bralne pismenosti lahko odigrajo pomembno vlogo knjižnice, še posebej šolske. Predstavljene so mednarodne smernice za knjižnične storitve za osebe z disleksijo. Prikazan je pomen šolskega knjižničarja kot posrednika med otrokom z disleksijo in knjigo. Spodbuden in ustrežljiv odnos šolskega knjižničarja do otrok z disleksijo veliko prispeva k uspešnosti le-teh. Pozornost je osredotočena tudi na šolsko knjižnico kot prostor in pomagala v njej, da se otroci z disleksijo lažje znajdejo v samem prostoru. Zelo pomembno je, da so napisano gradivo oziroma knjige oblikovane tako, da otrokom z disleksijo omogočajo več časa za njihovo razumevanje. Izbira primernih knjig za otroke z disleksijo veliko prispeva k njihovi pozitivni samopodobi.
šolske knjižnice;šolski knjižničarji;disleksija;otroci;branje;bralna pismenost;
Language: |
Slovenian |
Year of publishing: |
2012 |
Typology: |
1.04 - Professional Article |
Organization: |
UM PEF - Faculty of Education |
Publisher: |
Pedagoška fakulteta |
UDC: |
376-053.5:027.8(497.4) |
1855-4431 |
Parent publication: |
Revija za elementarno izobraževanje
Views: |
860 |
Downloads: |
116 |
Average score: |
0 (0 votes) |
Metadata: |
Other data
Secondary language: |
English |
Secondary title: |
How to familiarise dyslexic children with school library |
Secondary abstract: |
The article introduces dyslexia and the causes for its occurrence and outlines the problems that dyslexic people normally face. Reading is one of the biggest issues that affect people with dyslexia. In improving the quality of reading literacy, libraries school libraries in particular can play an important part. Moreover, this article introduces international guidelines regarding library services for people with dyslexia. The role of a librarian as a mediator between a dyslexic child and a book is also presented. The more encouraging and helpful a librarian is, the more successful children with dyslexia can be. Furthermore, the article focuses on the room of a school library and the aids in it, which can make it easier for dyslexic children to get around. Also, it is very important that the reading material and the books are designed in such a way that gives children with dyslexia more time for comprehension. Choosing the books that are appropriate for dyslexic children contributes a lot to their positive self-esteem. |
Secondary keywords: |
school libraries;school librarians;dyslexia;children; |
URN: |
Type (COBISS): |
Scientific work |
Pages: |
str. 193-206 |
Volume: |
ǂLetn. ǂ5 |
Issue: |
ǂšt. ǂ2/3 |
Chronology: |
sep. 2012 |
ID: |
10865473 |